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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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So... what is there to eat?

(ooc: That reminds me. I should get lunch)

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Older Fluffy: bacon wrapped sausages! these hungry foxes saved some for you! luckily!

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Um... thanks

*Goes over and takes some*

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(ooc: Another idea might be, rather than Melody showing up in person, Miles and Tails accidently watch one of her music videos' with her name in the tag line. Miles gets shocked by his 'little girl' now being a 'bad girl', and Tails gets shocked because, well, obvious,)

Older Skye: *whispers to older Fluffy* I think we should wait till everyone has eaten.

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(ooc: Poor Tails and Miles)

*Continues eating*

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(Ooc: if 15 mins of laughter really extend your life by a year, I think I won't die before 100.. THIS IS PERFECT)

Older Fluffy: maybe, but she looks bored, oh I can imagine her surprise!

Younger Fluffy: *to Dylan* do you like it?

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(ooc: Heh. You'll have to speak with the Chosen One)

Yeah. They're nice

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(ooc: Yeah, we'll need to talk to him. WHERE ARE YOU DAD???)

Older Skye: *shrugs* Okay dear, if you insist. Skye, can I talk to you for a moment.

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(Ooc: lol)

Older Fluffy: *to younger fluffy* so, umm... You like chocolate?

Younger Fluffy: *jumps* yes! Wait... You do too?

Older Fluffy: *laughs* of course, dear, i won't change!

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Younger Skye: Uh, y-yeah...

Older Skye: Great. Just follow me into the study. *walks into study, younger Skye following.*

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Younger Fluffy: do you have chocolate here.

Older Fluffy: ummm....

Ruby: woosh!

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Older Skye: *emerging from study* ...and don' tell your father I told you that.

Younger Skye: *grins* I w-won't! Fluffy. Do you want to go for another walk?

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Older Fluffy: oh, you're here. *goes to older Skye* what did you told him to hide from father?

Younger Fluffy: *makes sure Skye asked her* oh! yes, of course!

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Older Skye: *whispers* Oh, just a little something to boost his ego at Dad's expense.

Younger Skye: Great! Let's go. *holds out hand*

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Older Fluffy: ohhhh, so you're preferring yourself over your dad, bad boy *giggles*

Younger Fluffy: *smiles and grabs hand* yeah!!

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Older Skye *laughs* No. I just thought he could do with a confidence boost

Younger Skye: *grins and heads out the living quarters*

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Older Fluffy: *rolls eyes* right!

Younger Fluffy: so, where to?

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Older Skye. I know, I know. Understatement of the century.

Younger Skye: *grins* It's a surprise!

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Older Fluffy: millennium!

Younger Fluffy: *curious* surprise?

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Older Skye: *blushes* I wasn't quite t-that bad was I?


Younger Skye: Yep. But I know you'll love it.

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Older Fluffy: *smiles* of course not, hon.


Younger Fluffy: love it? But you're here...

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Older Skye: *smiles and kisses fluffy on the cheek* Thank's dear.


Younger Skye: *suddenly stops running a lets go of Fluffy's hand* Y-you.... y-you... you m-mean y-you w-won't l-l-love i-it i-if I-I'm t-t-there...?

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