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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Seviper: Yeah...., let's go find the boy

Seviper: Yeah...., let's go find the boy

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Older Fluffy: he's in the observation room *points there* you should go and get him.

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Seviper: Okay

*Seviper heads in the observation room*

Seviper: What you doing SJ:

SJ: Studying.

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Seviper: Let's get some food

SJ: Okay

*the snakes head out the observation room*

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Older Fluffy: *outside* oh! you're here! let's go to the kitchen- wait, is Mr Dylan there?

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(ooc: No, aliens kidnapped him. You will never see him again




Okay, maybe not)

Dylan was wondering about the space station. Lost

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Older Fluffy rose her ears so she can track things, she pointed to a room and said Seviper, "you go there and have something with your kid, everyone else are there too."

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(ooc: Why thank you)

"Where did everyone go?" Dylan wondered

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Older Fluffy found Dylan and shouted from a distance, "Mr Dylan!"

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(ooc: I wasn't expecting such compliments)

Dylan jumped at hearing older Fluffy. He waved upon seeing her though

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Older Fluffy: Oh sorry! I didn't meant to scare you.

(ooc: I dunno, lol, but it WAS funny, I seriously started laughing and mah mum was like 'o.0')

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(ooc: I'm surprised)

"No. Don't worry. You didn't scare me, it was just a surprise" Dylan said

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Older Fluffy: *nods* Okay then, you might be hungry, why don't you join others, everyone is having dinner.

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"Um... Yeah, I guess" Dylan said. "Which way do I go?"

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"Okay. Thanks" Dylan said beginning to cautiously walk towards the room

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Seviper: Aside from studying, what have you been doing on this space station

SJ: I did progress on Slaking Country on my handheld

Seviper: I can't play those things, my reflexes are not that good.

*SJ laughs*

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Older Fluffy: *enters* everyone doing well?

Younger Fluffy: *comes out nibbling a carrot* wahnt shum?

Older Fluffy: umm...yeah

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Younger Skye: *Looks at Older Fluffy* Yes Thank you Fluffy... uh...Mrs Prower... uh, erm... *looks between younger and older Fluffy* H-how s-should I s-say it?

Older Skye: So Tails, I imagine despite the shocks here it's good to know there is a end in sight for your fight.

(ooc: I am so, so tempted to have Melody make a surprise visit, but I think time might have taken enough batterings today!)

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(Ooc: nah, it'd be awesome XD)

Older Fluffy: *weakly giggles* call me what you want.

Younger Fluffy: well, you can't really call me Mrs Prower...

Older Fluffy: yet. *smiles, then goes to older Skye and whispers* want us to tell her about the factory or ask the younger you to surprise her?

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Younger Skye: *to older fluffy* I, uh... t-think I-I'll c-call you Mrs P-prower. It's p-polite.

Older Skye: *yet him show her, definitely*

(ooc: Well if everyone else likes that idea....)

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Older Fluffy: you don't need to be polite with me, sweetie. *looks at older Skye* then explain him the plan, lil me will love it.

Younger Fluffy: *plays with ruby*

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