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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Fluffy: but you will get married to...us... So you should get used to that. *laughs and enters the kitchen*

Older fluffy: I second that too *grins, then whispers to older Skye* we didn't told her about the chocolate factory. Did we?

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Older Skye: *whispers* No we didn't. But maybe hold off till after the meal. Don't want her running off half way though!

Younger Skye: *blushes slightly at the word 'married', also turning a bit red*

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Older Fluffy: *smiles and whispers* after all, you really want to eat, don't you?

Younger Fluffy: *enters with brownies and notices younger Skye* Awww, why red, eh?

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Younger Skye: Uh... n-no r-r-reason!

Older Skye: *smiles* Mayyybe! You know I can never resist your cooking! oooh, are those brownies?

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Younger Fluffy: *sings* lair

Older Fluffy: *grins* right, maybe that's why you married me, eh? *lightly smacks skye* wow! girl! you made those brownies? The look really good!

Younger Fluffy: thanks!

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*they sit at the table*

Tails: Mmm, smells good.

Miles: Wow, it really does.

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Younger Skye: *turns more red, looks at feet*

Older Skye; *laughs at the smack* It wasn't just that Fluffy! *looks at younger Fluffy* you seem to have won over all the Foxes here!

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Younger Fluffy: thank you, daddies, *keeps the brownies* go! attack. Thank you..em...mr Prower. *giggles, then goes to younger Skye* you won't eat? Are are you waiting until we marry?

Older Fluffy: oh really, what was it, eh? And yes, I'll have some competition as long as she's around. *laugh*

Ruby: me hungry too!

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Younger Skye: *goes even redder* I-I-I-I'll e-e-e-eat...

Older Skye: *chuckles and puts are round Fluffy* I could give you a list, but we don't want the food to get cold! Oh, sounds like the little genius is feeling a little left out.

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Older Fluffy: you still prefer food, don'tcha? And yes, I think I'll get her...ummm... I'll eat later, I'm vegetarian after all. *smiles and leaves with ruby*

Younger Fluffy: if you go any redder, you'll discover a new color, and yes, let's eats.

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Older Skye: *laughs* Yes, everything you managed to do, the only thing you've failed at is making me vegetarian too!

Younger Skye: *now deep red, sits at table*

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Older Fluffy: *picks up ruby* riiiightt, I just pity you, but you know I can do it, if I want.

Younger Fluffy: something wrong, skye?

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Younger Skye: N-n-n-nothing! *starts eating* T-this is d-delicious!

Older Skye: Well, yes. All you need to do is just not cook me any non-vegetarian meals!

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Older Fluffy: oh really? Or I can just blackmail you in several other ways *grins*

Younger Fluffy: I'm glad you like it *blushes*

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*Tails looks back and forth between older Fluffy and Skye as they talk*

*mouth full*

Tails: These bacon wrapped sausages are darn good. *realizes he has mouth full* I'm sorry.

*Miles observes the conversation*

*takes a bite*

Miles: Not only does it smell delicious, but its flavor proves how great this is.

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Younger Fluffy: *blushes even more and smiles* thank you very much, fathers!

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Older Skye: Blackmail! You've got nothing on me! *looks at Tails* Don't worry about it, and you're right. *Can't help but laugh slightly realising his dad is just a kid*

Younger Skye: Everyone l-loves your cooking Fluffy.

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Older Fluffy: you sure I've got nothing on you? *grins*

Younger Fluffy: yes, now that your dad likes it, I think I'll just have to make my future mother and sister in law happy! *laughs*

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Older Skye: Uhhh... pretty sure...

Younger Skye: *had been turning back to normal colour, then goes red again* I'm s-sure they'll l-love it t-too!

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Older Fluffy: *jokingly* I'm sorry! I can't live with a non vegetarian! I'm leaving you skye!

Younger Fluffy: Uffff, you better get used to me, I can't tolerate your Colour changing forever, it drags my mood! *laughs at older Fluffy's joke*

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*reflecting on Skye's color change*

Miles: *in a low, reflective voice* Don't worry Fluffy, I-I'll find a cure for that...*stays serious*

*Tails just keeps enjoying the food*

*'Munch, munch, nom, mom*

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Younger Fluffy: okay, dad... Thank you...

(Ooc: lol munch. Munch munch)

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Younger Skye: *doesn't catch his father's whispers* I w-will get u-used to it F-fully! The older m-me doesn't change!

Older Skye: *raises eyebrow* You do know that would mean leaving the space station right? And that little factory you're so invested in!

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Younger Fluffy: so, I Will have to get used to YOU? Fine...

Older Fluffy: who said I am not having an affair with another scientist here?

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*Tails stops chewing, and tries to hide in his chair*

*Miles seems to be well focused on his time period and the 'experiment' to have paid attention*

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