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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*jumps a little at being spoken too. Grabs tail nervously.*

Y-yeah, that i-is, if it's o-okay w-with you...

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Lino: *smiles proudly* This is my DATA... Oh that's right. None of you have one so we aren't from the same place here. DATA stands for Demon analyzing and trapping apparatus. It also stores a few things but it only stores a certain amount of weight in it~

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S-so... it's b-bigger on the i-inside?

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Lino: Well... That kind of technology is too much for me to explain. I may be smart but not that smart heh. It also can do other things but they won't really work where we are...

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Why won't t-they w-work? I m-might be able to get t-them to w-work. I'm good, uh... I'm alright w-with tech.

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Lino: I would think a GPS for my world and access to my bank would be off limits due to where I am? Heh.

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Oh, u-uh, g-good point....

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Lino: *messes with his DATA again and pulls out his board* Hmm... Do you have some way to charge this? I might need it again

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Charge, uh... Summoning, can we have a charger for the board?

*charger appears*

There y-you g-go...

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Lino: ... Did that really just come out of nowhere?

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N-no... I t-think it g-got t-teleported in f-from another z-zone.

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Lino: Then that would be stealing wouldn't it?

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B-but they g-get sent b-back when d-done.

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Lino: *looking at the charger* Nah I won't use something that may belong to someone else. Thanks though *sits on the board*

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*SJ wakes up*

Seviper: Look who decided to wake up.

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*chargers disappears*

Well, uh... *shrugs* n-not much I c-can do then, a-as I don't e-even have t-tools

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Lino: I have tools specifically for my board... They just won't help with recharging it

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U-unless Shadow c-charges i-it d-directly w-with Chaos energy, w-we don't r-really have a p-power source h-here.

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Seviper: I have my own tools, my fangs and poison tail.

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Lino: Those are more like weapons. Shadow can charge it with... Chaos Energy?

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He could. I guess. I think him and Locke are the only ones here with chaos powers

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Yeah. A-any other p-power sources would n-need to u-use the Summoning.

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