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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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He started it.

My tail is special and dosen't need to be bit on.

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Can you give him one more chance Seviper?

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Fine,let him go.

Hopefully I don't see him again.

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*smiles at rat*

See, Sweetie? He spared you, now you will be a good boy and won't bother him.


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*starts panicking*

F-fluffy, I d-didn't say -that. I w-was w-wondering if t-there was a r-reason a-as i-it's quite an u-unusual name.

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Catch Zatch cause he took my watch while I was baking a batch of brownies.

Rhymey timey.

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I don't mind Fluffy. Really. If you want to call him Zatch, then do so. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't like it.

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It's okay *smiles* I'd love whatever name you or we call it

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Uh, I'm no good with names... Ratbert?

(ooc: I regret nothing!)

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