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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Yay! Would you like to be the parrot?

I wanna be the captain tho *sob*

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"Your the one who decided I would be captain"

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But I wanna be that now, the clothes are better


Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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You can summon some better clothes but I'll stay being captain. You have my permission to raid the pirate outfit wardrobe

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Fine I'll be the parrot.

(Don't know if I should feel humuliated or not.)

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You're the BEST Seviper! *hugs*

*parrot costume customisable with snakes appears*

See, Mr summoning god thinks too!

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The parrot is yours because I'm a nice captain when it comes to my crew

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Btw, since the parrot is mine, so is Skye, I ultimately have full control too.

Awww, here you go with a cookie! *gives it to seviper*

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Nooooooo. You're not getting full control over the whole ship. Nor is Skye in your full control

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H-have you g-guys s-stop arguing?

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Yarr there be somehing a foot cap'n.

Edited by Seviper

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I'm captain. But you're Fluffy's parrot Seviper

Have we stopped arguing Fluffy

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Skye... You care for me, right? You'll do anything for me, right?

Nice acting, Seviper!

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That's emotional blackmail Fluffy!

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*gives a angry look to dylan*

Even if you're the captain, you have no rig- gah I'm bored

Yeah, let's go

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Came between me and Skye


The map says to go to west


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