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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*smiles, and allows himself to be led*

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Seems as good a place as any.

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I'm coming, I'm coming!

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I think because we stopped being entertaining to it, so it tried to add some excitement.

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I will dance, the summoning king! If you give me a good chocolate cake!

*goos chocolate cake comes*


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I think you better dance then, otherwise it might take offence!

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I, um, er... I d-don't know.... Er, we need music... I could sing and you could dance to t-that?

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*starts singing nervously*

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*tried to remember Mina's steps*


(Ooc: I suck in dancing irl lol)

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*stops singing for a moment*

You're doing great Fluffy.

*starts again*

(ooc: And I can't sing either! ;) )

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*smiles and blushes, still dancing.*

Thank you, so are you!

(Ooc: I'm not a rabbit either XD)

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*smiles and nods, but doesn't break singing as it's a complex part of the song*

(ooc: I did suspect that! ;-p)

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*coughs slightly*

I don't think I can sing any more. Is that enough Mr Summoning Person?

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*Plants bombs all over the ground*

Maybe I shouldn't go with this idea.

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