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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*sobs and leaves tails*

If you don't want me to...

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I NEVER said that Fluffy. I... like it when your in my tails.

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I sighed because you tricked me. You made me stay still because I told you to sleep. And, uh... yeah... It's... nice...

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I found a new way to fly.

*twists entire body and spins like a top*

Now that's flying.

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Oh... Well then,

*gets a pillow.*

*keeps skye in the pillow*

*grabs Skye's tails and keeps head on chest*

Good now., and nice, Seviper. It's cool to do that.,

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Kinda l-like how I-I fly.

*looks down at Fluffy*

That's really nice.

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Why are you laughing?

Mine is more fun, you hear funny voices.

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Time to land.


Need to work on that.

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It's how I fly. I can show you sometime

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The only difference is I twist my entire body while you twist your tails.

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I... don't fly unless I have to, as I can't fly well.

And that's how I'm meant to fly, but I ... can't do it, so I do twist my body,.

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I don't know how I flew properly then. Normally I just spin out of control

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Ermmm... So.

You like technology and all, right?

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*chuckles slightly*

Yes. Yes I do Fluffy. I'm not quite as smart with it as Dad is, but I like it.

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I think you're very intelligent

I wanna see you work with stuff soemtime

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*blushes* T-thanks. Hopefully you'll get the chance. What do you like to do Fluffy?

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*blushes slightly* let's hope

Oh... I like cooking, eating chocolate, help daddie, looking at you, playing, singing, dancing and so Much!

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