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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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I... WOAH!

*is forced to look back at Fluffy. Smiles nervously*

I-if you i-insist.

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*looks a little bit worried at Fluffy's attitude*

(ooc: Okay. Goodnight)

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*Watches Skye and Fluffy's dancing*

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*starts to feel uncomfortable feeling the stares. Begins turning paler*

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*Sees colour change*

Oh, sorry!

*Turns away*

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I think w-we may have scared the other's off.

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*talking to self*

Since I'm underground, I'm going to sing the underground song.

Wait, I forgot the words.

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No you didn't! Just giving you privacy!

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You seemed a l-little.... c-concerned when I l-looked around...

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You're getting worse than me!

*looks worried*

But tell me what's wrong. You can tell me.

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*looks real down and says very softly*



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But I was... wait, were you... jealous?

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You shouldn't be jealous Fluffy.

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Please don't cry Fluffy. I know how you feel.

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