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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*tries summoning a table. Fails*

I t-think you j-just broke it,

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*Gets out from under the boulder*

*Starts speaking weird*

I'm a pretty frog.

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Uh oh...

*knees down*

Seviper, how m-many fingers a-am I holding u-up?

*holds up three fingers*

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Maybe f-feeding him one o-of those monster c-candies would f-fix him,

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Hey, s-stop that!

*Grabs Seviper's head*

Uh... j-jam it in h-his mouth? Oh w-wait, that's n-not what y-you m-meant... Uh, I d-dunno, random c-coincidence? That's w-what this p-place run's on!

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I hope your right about this

*Puts one candy in Sevipers mouth*

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J-just get r-ready to r-run in c-case I-I'm not.

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*Eats candy*

*Blasts into the sky and hits the floor hard*

What happen?

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Yay! I-it worked.

Uh, a b-big rock k-knocked you out and made y-you crazy.

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I'm n-n-not sure a-about this.

*whispers to himself*

And I don't like parties.

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Maybe it could. But we'll need to summon quite a few things

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Hm? Party?

Sounds good! Yay!

Let's decorate!

*holds Skye's hand*

You're gonna help me, right?

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*is torn between not liking parties and wanting to help Fluffy.*

Uh, er... S-sure, I'll help you Fluffy. Though, uh, D-dylan, is t-the summoning w-working a-again?

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*looks guilty*

N-no. I-I l-like t-them...

*is lying*

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