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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*realises Fluffy is falling. Starts spinning tails. Takes off and grabs her, flying normally.*

Got you. Let's g-get you back to solid ground.

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*Relifed that Fluffy didn't smash into the ground*

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You should have told me earlier


*reaches ground, hugs onto tails*

I don't wanna die :c

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*hugs Fluffy*

You're not g-going to die. You just got a little excited, that's all. Next time we'll make sure there's a safely net below you.

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*hugs back, cries*

But I don't want to get hurt! Sniff... okay, I'm sure you'll save me *smile*

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Of course I'll...

*starts blushing suddenly*

...s-s-save you.

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*thinks up a safety net*

There we g-go, all set.

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*flaps ears*

*is flying*


*falls on the safety net*

Skye, how up can I fly, and what to do if I have to come down?

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Flap your ears slower, to control your decent. Once you get the hang o-of that, we can focus on moving around. Oh, and pretty high I'd guess.

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*Pulls out a cannnon*

Now I'm really going to fly.

*Hops into cannon*

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Uh, I-I'm n-not s-sure that's a g-good idea...

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It's too late, I already lit the..

*Gets shot of cannon*


*Flys into tree*

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Lemme get him.


*grabs Seviper*

*comes down*


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*Spits out leaves and twigs of mouth*

Never again.

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Well done Fluffy! Y-you okay S-Seviper?

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Hugs and then kisses on head.

Aww, once I learn well, you can wrap on me and we'll fly together

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*feels slightly jealous of how Fluffy is treating Seviper but doesn't know why*

Y-you both o-okay?

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G-good. N-no more c-cannons t-then!

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You c-can't get r-rid of y-your tail, so t-that's impossible.

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