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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*looks surprised, then embarrassed.*

Uh... I-I... er... can't r-really... I... c-an't fly p-properly m-myself.

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You can fly better than the rest of us

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I.. u-uh... guess s-so... But I d-don't think w-well enough t-to teach.

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I-if t-that's what you w-want Fluffy. A-anyone else?

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Flying would be cool. If your able to teach me, I would like to be taught

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Well, uh, d-do either o-of y-you two have a w-way to f-fly in the f-first p-place?

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Fluffy could use her ears. I don't have anything

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But... I will hurt or burn myself. sniff

And I remember Miss Cream, she flies with her ears!

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You could summon a special suit that could stop you from burning. But using your ears would probably be the most natural way

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D-do you want t-to try f-flapping your e-ears then.

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When I learn to fly, we'll fly together :3 and I'll wrap Seviper on me so he can fly too!

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Maybe i-if you c-can't flap y-your ear's y-you can glide w-with them?

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*rises a bit*


*Stops flapping*



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You can do it!

*jumps happily*

You just need to get used to flapping them, then you can fly p-properly.

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*tries again*

*is high, very high*



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