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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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I died actually doing something you didn't : Saving the life of someone I cared about.

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Spare me your life's history. In exactly... 22 seconds it's about to change dramatically.

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Then what about Maria ? You didn't see her ! her ghost is still waiting for you in the space Ark in Dylan's Zone !!!!!

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*Slowly backs away from the scene then stops*


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*anvil drops on Locke's head*

Hmm... it was good, but the timing was a little off. But at least it's a start.

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Well, if you people want to hurt me, you have to speak to the new lawyer I hired.

Remington: No.

Case closed!

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OH NO! It's the car wash all over again!

(Just a warning Shadow, he will keep doing that)

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(What are you talking about Dylan? You are the one teleporting all over the place !!!)

Calm down Dylan, nothing like this will happen again. I'll make sure of it "Resolve Pose."

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(I teleported, you were just randomly behind me everytime I threw you in)

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(I remember having explained that to you.Both comical purpose, and chao power. Spectre loves doing that.)

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Finding a way out of things and appearing behind people kills the fun Locke.

*Appears with Master Emerald*

The Servants are the seven Chaos

Chaos is power, controlled by my will

The controller exists to enslave the chaos

By An Ixian will I sever all links between the echidna and the master emerald!

There now Locke can't do it and I sealed he hex with an Ixian seal meaning only by me sacrificing my own life can it be broken.

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"Pull out knife." So be it.

"Use the knife.... On cake." I couldn't care less in fact. That just mean I'm out of the guardian job. I mean, I wasn't about to sacrifice you, was I ? Beside, It's not like everyone else is doing it anyway.

By the way, congratulation on your new job .

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Heh, Geoff has a new look. Too bad, I liked his old mug.

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And how do you like this one? And yes that Sonic is you Blur.

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I prefer my Goeffrey in a tuxedo , not wearing Some strange kind of combat suit ...

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The new avatar seems well suited to you Geoffrey

And the suit isn't that strange

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Dont take it completely personally, I'm surf he'd do it with any Sonic incarnation

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