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I did? Oh, then do you want a share?

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I might have lost my son, I'd rather need alchohol.

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Okay. Geoffrey, do you want a share?

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It really depend of what you are willing to share .

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In the life insurance I apparently took out on Knuckles according to you

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No, Geoffrey did for trapping him on that lorry, and you did for randomly blowing it up

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I don't care. Now run before I shoot you with WORDS.

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Or did you? That was an Auto-Automation Knuckles!

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No it was the real Knuckles I know that for sure and according to his Will the Master Emerald goes to Tails. And because of his life insurance the funds belong to Dylan and he was worth more than the Casino Night Zone.

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I didn't even know he had life insurance. And I wouldn't know what to do with the amount of money the casino night zone is worth

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As Dad isn't here can I claim the Emerald on his behalf? Um, no one ask how I got here, ok!

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Blue Blur do not question me unless you want to make an enemy!

And Skye the will states "The Master Emerald goes to that brainiac two tailed Fox"

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Oh. You mean , the will where it's written "Totally not a fake made by Goeffrey."

Learn to forge document , skunk.

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*shrugs* Well, I'm no expert in legal matters. *wanders off*

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Anyways , what are you doing here, you adorable little paradox ?

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Me? I.. uh... LOOK! Over there! *points then runs off in opposite direction*

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And there he goes. It's sad. I wanted to give him candies . Too bad.

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You scared him off because you were jealous that you didn't get anything

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I wasn't jealous . I would have loved having him as family .

And then we would have lived together . And with you , we would have lived great adventure, fighting against Del and werehog alike .

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