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Hmm... and you don't know if there's anything else you like?  Aside from chasing butterflies! 

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Chasing stuff... digging... adventures... just... having fun!

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Hmm... We should try for an adventure then...

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Or do you want to see about controlling your disease first?

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Okay, to the lab!  *heads to abandoned building*

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*Opens door*

*robot on other side glares at Skye*


Uh... h-hi!

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Robot: Intruders must be eradicated.

Ske: uh oh...

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Robot: *makes an electronic whine as ember burns a hole in armour*

Skye: *punches through hole, then yanks out some wires*


Robot: *shuts down*


Skye: Thanks Dylan

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*pets* Let's hope that was the only guard

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Don't worry Seviper.  I'll keep you and Dylan safe.

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