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Hmm... I wonder how... Hey Dylan, can you still remember before you were a Fennekin?

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You remember being a Shaymin, right?

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Phew, I was worried for a moment there.  *picks up a twig and starts idly munching on it*

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I... what?  *feels twig in mouth*  *spits out*  What the heck?

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I... I... I better not be... *tufts of orange fur starting to grow from ears*

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*covers face in hands* No, no, no, I can't be. Not again!

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*Speaking in fenns* It's not so bad Skye!

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I've been one before, I don't want... wait... I just understood that...

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What you're saying!  In Fenns!

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I can't be, I can't be.  *looks at Dylan with red Fennekin eyes* I don't want to loose myself again.

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How do you know.  Last time I forgot who I was.  I didn't even care about tech stuff anymore.

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But it was fun! We can still play!

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YEAH!  Playing sounds f... *shakes head* Gah, it's already messing with my head.... Dylan, one of us has to stay normal to look for a cure.

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But you said it might be temporary! *rolling a bit*

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I don't know what's real anymore..

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