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*reappears, grinning* Thank you Master. And if I may be so bold, I have located a clutch of dragon eggs...

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Okay. Coming

*Gets up and follows*

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*leads Dylan to cave* In there.

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BOOOOOO! :3 Imma dressed as a storm pup for Halloween! Oh wait....

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*looks up* The ceiling. You?

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Uh... what?

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*Leads Dylan through cave* Just ahead, there.

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*points to clutch of eggs on floor*

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There seems to be no sign of the mother. I suspect these eggs may have lain here for centuries Master. But... in some lores reheating the eggs will allow them to hatch even after all this time.

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Hmm... maybe I should adopt these eggs then. Give them life

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I guess I will. And you have earned a bonus

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*eyes widen* Thank you so much Master. It is a pleasure to serve. *bows*

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Um... you're welcome? Now to find a way to transport these back

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I took the liberty of arranging transport sir. A small quad with a trailer is waiting outside the cave.

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