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This sounds sooo much like the opening act to a disney film..... ;)

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You know, the one before the protagonist find the meaning of 'true love' yaddayadda....

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The song "I won't say I am in love" from the film Hercules? xP No. I prefer to be in love in anime/manga/comic characters :P

....aaaand to be in love with my favourite car.


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I hate that film......

Depends on the car!

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It was just an example! :P

...Shelby Mustang GT 350. I really love american cars.

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Never saw it. Well, not all of it at least

Personally, I don't have a huge interest in cars. But as long as it's nice I'm happy

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I was born in the Disney-generation, so watched all Disney films. And of course today too. It never gets old!

Weeeeeell well in the UK you have a speed limit :P

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I've watched some. Not all. Certainly not a lot but I could probably recognise a fair few characters

Lol! True

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"Go as fast as you *&^$ing want"

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Thre is no speed limit, so you can drive more than 130 km/h. >) I love it!

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The queen don't allow you to drive fast! B(

Did you hear that Scottland would be a free land from the UK? I hear that in the news...

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I suspect the prime minister or parliament that says no. Not the queen

I've heard discussions about it, yes. I'm not aware of a decision yet. Skye, you're from Scotland, has something been decided yet?

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Ahem, anyway. There will be a vote on independence in... September I think it is. Scotland can't stand on it's own.

And that's all I will say on the subject. The debate terrifies me.

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I think I can guess what you're hoping for

Personally, I don't really know enough on the subject to make a proper decision. But there will probably need to be some effort to sort out the rest of the UK from this so I'm hoping against it. But meh

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Scottland can stand on his alone...but can the rest of the UK it? :P


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I suspect there will be much chaos from the lack of Scotland ;)


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