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when i post a post, it doesn't count as a post! my post count won't go up. why?

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Because otherwise some of us would have well over a thousand posts within a couple weeks. This wouldn't really be fair, so these party games don't count as proper posts. I don't think the ic parts of the rp section count as well

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But I still somehow got well over 600 post . I'm just that good.

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Yeah, you were having a nice long chat with in stalker's topic which increased your post count quite a lot

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That was not chatting. We were discussing on the topic, and it was constructive. And now cheery made him go....;

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You still got a lot of post points from that

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humm... I mostly trry to keep my post in topic and relevant , mister councilor.

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Survy ! you are back ! And here I though the zone had claimed yet another good soul ^\^ Vodka for you !

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175 pages?

only 5 pages left for...

175 pages?

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Probably a mod who knows you shouldn't have twin posts

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Some do, perhaps. But I guess whichever mod it was didn't think that was twin post worthy

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