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His comment reminds me of Anti Sonic talking to Sonic when they first met

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You say yes. I say no. You say stop. I say go go GO!

Or something like that. It wasn't exactly at the moment they met

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So , Most of you live in great britain , But no one know about the beatles .... REALLY ?

Also , it's more or less what scourge said to sonic dylan , you got a nice memory .

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Of course we know who the Beatles are


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My pleasure ^_^

And it's good to hear that, Or else I would have ran to my yellow submarine :3

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Speaking of Beatles, Eggman, Eggman Nega and Rotor should sing "I am the walrus" together. It's a song suited to them

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Thing is , Robotnik got his own song , jst like rotor .

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I wasn't speaking about Robotnik. He is an Eggman but he isn't THE Eggman

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Think again.

By the way, thesting the uploading system.


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Yes, it is going to be a lot more interesting now I have a bigger choice of pictures. But not for now

What have you done to that Locke picture!

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2swag4u ?

well , I am disapointed by your lack of faith in the "Swag dad"

edit: and black touhou girl Is gone, Off to new adventure in his Yukai hunting.

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Don't care. Those pictures are weird and I'm not sure if Geoffrey would approve

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If Geoffrey would Approve them, there is always le Cheerleader. Who doesn't like the picture.

And woop, I'm gone again.

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I took care of one of my picture, But I'm not deleting Locke"SawgYOLO2013" The echidna. I just enjoy this pic too much.

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Geoffrey would probably not like that picture. Or at least the name. I would suggest you at least change the name. But he may want the picture gone as well

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Whoever turned the meaning of swag from stolen loot to what it means now needs deskulling.

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Agreed, Shadow. I never understood why it was changed. But then again, plenty of words have been changed, so it's nothing new

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To be fair, I keep this pictures around, because it reminds me of everything that is wrong with the new generation. So I can laugh a bit at it, rather than crying.

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But Swag...

Secretly we are gay

Sex with a Ginger

Why are there people out there who use these words D: Or does that mean most of young humanity are gay and don't want to say it out in public?

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I'm not liking where this is going

Gay used to mean happy before the meaning changed, it may still mean happy for all we know, but also means something else. Perhaps that's something to do with it?

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What in earth has happened here!?

And I ask you not use that dreaded S words and that Locke change his title. I hate that word beyond compare.

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The things is: I just hate a lot of things. I have very little patience with thing in general, and so, In a way to cop with all my problem, I decided to laugh at absolutly EVERYTHING that anger me. the S""" movement is one them, YOLO only coming in second, because after it come the YOYO (You are On Your Own). It won't make things better, it just allow me to not fall into a pit of shame for a world That saw me growing up and That I now get to see falling into a sea of depravation and stupidity were respect might exist for virtually absolutly nothing, thank to a lack of control and education....

I'm not depressive. I got over it in my middle teens, but I became extremly cynical. That sadden me a lot. And I'm now trying to find the right middle in all this inner turmoil.

Well, now I guess you might know a lot more about me Than I would have wanted to say.

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I supposed I owed this to you guys .

I often looks like a troll with all thise internet references , and my strange behavior from time to time .

But this is my way of showing that I care . And loosing my place here would really hurt me.

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I hope you don't loose your place. Perhaps, we should forget about this and carry on

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