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Last to post wins v3.0

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I dare you to say something else than "I'm back in control" or "I win" or something like that. btw... are you related to Merc? o-o

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That's how you play this game but I will keep that in mind. I'm not related to anyone who goes by the name Merc. Why do you ask?

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Cause Merc is the only guy who cares about winning.

And to shinomi : Let him be himself! It's not like he can say "I'm back in lead" in public.

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Different members have different interpretations of this topic


Some people, such as Survivor I'm guessing interpret this thread as one to "win"


And others, such as me interpret this thread as a spam thread. So posting pics, a bit of rping, just random banter, etc... This might just be because I lived through LPW2 and I witnessed LPW1 and neither of them could survive as themselves because people got bored of just winning. Others however are allowed to enjoy it


And then there are some who just go with whatever comes up


Neither of the two interpretations are right. It's just whaever's here

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I care about keeping this thread alive by any means necessary and I like to win. Just for the record none of the interpretations are wrong.

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