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o_o *picks up the bomb* O-O Merc... you dropped this! *throws it quickly back at Merc*

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aweeh.. :C *pokes NMS with a stick* so... you a zombie? o-o

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*pokes* you sure? :3 *poke poke*

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*gets up is completely black and covered in dirt* I'll survive.

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hey Merc.... :3 *holding knives* I wanna talk to you!

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*walks towards Merc* :3 I just want to say "hi" *throws first one targeting Merc's Hat*

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... nah don't feel like it *throws rest of the knives at apples hanging from an apple tree and they all fall down*

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*throws an apple to Merc* catch!

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*throws an apple to NMS too* you too buddy!

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