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You know he'll be fine, in the mean time let's play cards

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*Waits for a few moments then heads towards the forest*

Sorry Seviper but I'm worried about him. I'm going to see if he's okay

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I guess I'll play cards by myself!

*Gets frustrated and follows Dylan*

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*reaches clearing, looks around. Finds a small gap under a large tree. squeezes inside*

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*Runs into forest*


*Turns to Seviper*

You don't have legs

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*hears people in distance*

*hides further in hole, keeping quiet*

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Ummm. Did I miss anything? How did the trip to the doctor go?

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I'm independent!

I don't need you to carry me!

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Very well. Oh hi Inuki. Yeah, he still didn't want to accept it. So I asked him to decide whether he wanted to be a fox or a wolf and he came in here to decide. But I'm worried about him

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Ummm... okay?

Edit: oh, I see. He still didn't recover. How about we try bumping his head again?

Edited by Inuki

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Well you know he couldve done his thinking closer

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You know him. He's a stubborn one.

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I don't think we should risk it unless he wants to. If he decides to be a wolf then let him be a wolf until he recovers normally

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You know he tried to help me cure my fear of clowns once

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He's still Skye. He just thinks he's a wolf now and not a fox. But that doesn't make him different

*Reaches clearing Skye's hiding in*

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*tries to hide more and keep utterly silent*

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Yeah. But I think he needs some time first.

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Fine anything for our Little two tailed buddy

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Skye? Are you here? Please come out if you are. We're worried

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