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They are. Now. What do you see here

*Points to mirror and taps the image of Skye*

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*cocks head. Looks into mirror*

A brown two-tailed wolf. Same as always.

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Strange how you see yourself as a wolf yet you see the pictures as their correct species

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That's 'cause a wolf is my correct speices

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*Shakes head*

You're actually a fox. And you're orange

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But... but I'm not. I'm a brown wolf!

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You're not. Your friend out there was right

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No he wasn't. I remember being a wolf all my life. All my family. How could all that be wrong???

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Have you bumped your head anytime recently

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Uh, yeah. I slipped trying to get into Seviper's bunker. But I'm fine now. I'm all better.

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Not completely better it seems

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Of course I am!

*crosses arms*

Look, I'm fine. Can I go now? My family will be wondering where I've got to.

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If you don't want to accept it then there's nothing I can do to help you

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Fine. Cause this is who I am, and I like it!

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*walks to door*


I'm sorry for bothering you

*opens door*

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Dylan: *Gets up*

How did it go Skye?

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He said he couldn't help me

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He couldn't help you? Why not?

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He said if I didn't accept I was wrong he couldn't help. And I'm not wrong, so there.

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So... He was ALSO saying you were a fox

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Which myself and Inuki have been saying too. Sensing a pattern?

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*starts shaking* But it's not true. I'm a wolf. I LIKE BEING A WOLF!

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*Steps back in surprise*

And there's nothing that can convince you otherwise?

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