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So, Locke heard of this thing called "Halloween".


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Dylan thinks it is way to early to be thinking about Halloween

But Dylan likes that picture

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That's better. Dylan likes it

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As nice as the picture is, Dylan doesn't think Tails enjoyed Chip's company as much as Sonic did

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Aw... too cute.

Dylan just realised, that might be by the same person who made the pictures the cheerleader posted ages ago

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Depend, If the signature was already there.....


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Geoffrey thinks Locke posted one good pic and only one!

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Dylan wonders which one Geoffrey is referring to

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Denying Dylan the win is not a good idea

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Geoffrey likes Scrouge's epic life.

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Someone find some nice Scourge

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What did Dylan get wrong?

And sort out the picture

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Nice pic. Not enough tostop me winning

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