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Just like being asian makes you automaticaly a computer and mecha expert.

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Lock, please be careful what you say

I'll put the last of the trio up tomorrow, but remember my first one was fleetway Tails in armour? He was getting ready for war. But against what? Or who?

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Oh god , I hope you are not planning to have us read the whole thing , are you ? Beside , I was readong that for the Rocketman's stories.

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Except for war between Fleetway armour Tails and mysterious third member of the trio

(Heh heh)

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You know, watching Episode 22 of Shingeki no Kyojin, it looked like Captain Levi turned into Sonic the Hedgehog for a second.

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Oh god .... attack on sonic ..... I'll put that pic On once I'm back .

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You do that, and I'll put up the evil soul eating Tails Doll


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No. I have this. You may recognize it Locke

Now I'm out. For now

Edit: Well I've finally figured out how to get a picture from my computer rather than getting them all from the internet. Finally

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Seriously ? Sat3M ? Nice .

And how are you able to do so ?

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Yes, and I'll do it again some other time

I cant believe I didn't notice before. When I use my iPod, when I edit a post, it replies differently from my computer. It has an attachment button. I realised this two days ago and wanted to check it. Looking for this attachment button, I found it in more reply options. The rest can be figured out

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You are not a problem . That chimera I saw roaming around, Now that's a problem . So take care of it before claiming anything as yours.

no pain , no gain.

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This Skunk demands a Hello!

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You say Goodbye , And I say Hello . Helli ! Hello!

You brought the wrath of the beatles upon yourself , Skunk.

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This is unacceptable! Chimeras are forbidden!

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