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These pictures are getting quite annoying.

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They're perfectly allowed to post pictures here if they want. There are no issues with it


Some of them are pretty funny

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Some yes but maybe I should revive my challenge where no pics for a month.

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No more challenges and its unfair on those who most posts here involve pictures

Let them post how they want here

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Dylan what is the harm in making a challenge. No one has to take part in it. And why wouldn't I try and encourage members to be more creative in their posts instead of relying on pictures.

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There will be no more Challenges

No one will listen anyway. You tried this before

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Well I edited the post to say that Dylan. And since I find these pictures annoying it seems there is only one solution.

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Look... people have been putting pictures here since the beginning. It's helped stop this topic becoming rpm3. There is no real point to this topic besides spamming and having fun. Just let people enjoy the topic in their own way

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Problem solved now so I will no longer see the posts.

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That doesn't matter. Let's move from this subject now.

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I found a T Rex!


*T Rex goes around eating random people*


And it's alive!

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I found the shrink ray!

*malfunctions and turns everyone tiny*

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Eat the snake.

Eat the snake.

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*Now tiny* Wow... the T Rex is huge now!

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*uses magic to return to normal* I am your god!

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o_o no you're not you're just a really big skunk.

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Do I have to spray?

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Bring it on you giant bully! >-<

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*sprays making everyone smell like skunk*

Take that!

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