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All praise the glorious hat!!

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We're talking about how Red is so much better Trainer than Ash?

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But if you have a better topic then go ahead :3

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I like sandwiches, Fennekins, the color purple....

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Awesome o_o very awesome indeed.

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I think government people are stealing my doodles!

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I use it for Tornadoes, hurricanes, Zombie Clowns, Samurai Ninja Pirate Kung Fu Ducks, People trying to steal my garbage...

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Thats why I built it....I took a couple of things from Tails' workshop.

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Is this skunk a leader?

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Zombie clowns? Football time!!!

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The Fennekin gods are displeased with me...

*bolt hits Seviper and turns into a Fennekin*

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