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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Well, with all this heavy talk time to add some of my own!)

"Okay Skye. Seriously. What's with the 'Uncle' and 'Auntie' thing. Even with you're whole 'change of heart' thing that's nothing like you. I'd never expected you to trust anyone like them."

"I don't." Skye stated. Melody whipped her head round to stare at her brother, who was watching the Tv screen without actually seeing what was occurring.

"What? But you..."

"Melody, every part of my nature is scream at me not to trust them. To stab them in the back at the first opportunity. Not just Shadow and Rouge, all of them. But I don't WANT to do that. That's why I'm pushing so hard with this 'friendly adorable kid' thing. If I act hard enough, maybe it'll actually happen."

Melody gave her brother a comforting simile and placed her arm around him. Skye resisted for a second, then leaned against her, sobbing very slightly.

"Now whose the one who wants to leave everything abut who they were behind?"

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(ooc: dat bounding moment.... To say I almost wanted to pull that one with Red XD )

"Anyways, enough violence for today. Maybe we could try to be friend Shadow, Don't you think? We don't have the point of view on life, But we have the same belief, that should be enough." Glen smiled.


After a while. Locke woke up. With red on his side. "Maybe I should go see How skye and melody are doing."

"Hum, Locke, wait."

"What Red?"

"I'm coming too, it could help for once,"


"And so they walked in Skye's room, only to see him crying in Melody's arms.

"Skye? What is happenning?"

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(ooc: sorry for stealing your thunder Locke)

Skye sniffled slightly. "It's nothing important Dad. Just a long few days and a sad part of the film we were watching." Skye flattened his ears against his head, hoping that would hiding the twitching.

"Skye..." Melody began. Skye gave his sister a look, trying to convey 'I don't want Mom and Dad to know' with his eyes.

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(ooc: This cool, I'm ok with that.)

"Skye, Is there something you want to tell m...Us ?" Locke took a deep breath. "I'm not asking you to say it now. I want you to think about it first. But some things shouldn't wait. Or else, they will burn even more....I should know it, I did the same thing."

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Melody took matters into her own hands.

"Skye's is now having an identity crisis. His nature is clashing with what he wants."

"Mel-o-dy!" Skye seemed more embarrassed than upset at Melody's revelation.

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"Oh,And Here was I thinking it was about himself thinking he would end up like his Father." Locke took another Breath. " Identity crisis happen to everyone at least once in their life. And it's either during your age, or the midlife. Thing is: you are....I think I'll let Red speak. She should know better than me on this one."

Red took the matter upon her hand.. "Skye. Recently, I...Had the same crisis. I know how you feel. It's a diferrent place. A differrent world. With way different peoples. But you must understand: Don't let your past control your action. It might follow you, but you mustn't let him do more than that. Or else, you'll slip back... and nobody want that, right?" Red took skye in her arms "Try that for me, will you?"

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Skye clung tightly to Red, but wasn't crying. "It's not the past. It's who I am. I don't what to be that person. I'm trying not to be but... but.... It's just so hard to be... nice."

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"Yeah. We are in the same place. The least we can do for Locke is to try to tolerate each others if we can't be friends. Thank for that. Now let's go grab something to drink in a totally friendly way."


"Being good is indeed hard.It's an everyday battle, and most of the time, the reward won't be as nice as going for an easier, but less noble , way. We don't do good for other peoples, we do it for us, for what it bring around; And most of all, rather than having an half-empty world, We can make it half-full."

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"I... think I understand that. As long as all of you are there to help me."

With everyone's attention on Skye, Melody slipped out.

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"I, erm, uh, just wanted a breath of fresh air. So I thought I'd take a walk along the beach, now it's less crowded."

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"Right. Why so nervous?" she asked with a smirk. "It's hard to lie to one of the best Melody. So what's really going on?

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"I wasn't lying... Just... some stuff that Skye said... I wanted some time to think."

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"Ok. If you want someone to listen I'm here for what it's worth. If you're gonna take a walk, don't be out of too long. And for heaven's sake don't go in the water. Sharks are about around this time."

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"Wha? Sharks? But... Nevermind, I really need a bit of open space right now. If you want to come I... I think I might like that. Not sure how good company I'd be."

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"This is what parents are here for Skye. To lead their children on the right way, Until they can do so for their own Children. This is what I have been trying to teach you , and you are now learning. I'm proud of you skye." Locke smiled."


"Hey Shadow, wasn't that melody with Rouge? I think we should follow them. The kid sounded quite upset." Said Glen.

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"What's confused you about sharks? And I'll gladly come with you." "No let's leave them. I trust Rouge'll take care of Melody. Just hope they don't get too close to the water."

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(ooc: Time I was back in)

Dylan was in his room, walking back and forth thinking about the talk

Why did this have to get brought up? I didn't want to think about this. Just one day, without the DEL of my zone. Is that so much to ask?


If I had my teleporter still, I could go elsewhere when this is brought up. But now it's gone. For all I know, the DEL have it and are looking through all the data I've got on it

*Pauses, mid-thought before turning around*

They could be looking through my data. Oh no, they could use it to find where we are! I've got to find out what they're up to now

*Goes to computer*

(ooc: Not going to create another story here. Just doing it in case I go back to that zone in the future)

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"I'm trying to learn Dad. I just... wish this was easier for me. I just feel so torn apart sometimes.


"How can there be sharks on a floating Island when they are an ocean based creature? They lack the volume of water necessary for the species, and would quickly decimate the local pray population faster than it could... erm, hehehe. Just ignore me, I don't know what I'm saying. I don't understand any science stuff." Melody looked extremely embarrassed at what she just said.

"And thank's Rouge. Lets go to the beach before it gets too cold."

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(ooc: Dude, don't worry, You stuff are in heaven, Remember ? We picked you up and got you there.)

"Yeah, you probably Right Shadow. Let's see Locke then. He didn't told me if we could have some room service in here." Said Glen.


"Don't be sorry. it's not your fault. Everyone has this inner fight from time to time. the way you used to act mustn't actually influence the way you'll be acting from now on. Your old life is behind you, And with it, all these nightmare. You are not alone Skye, Not anymore."

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(ooc: Well that pretty much ruins all the fun I could've had with it. Oh well. I'll find something else)

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(ooc: but then again... They still have the data from your house so...... If you want to go on...)

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"Haha it sounded pretty good. Sorry. I kinda forgot we were on Angel Island. Ever since Shadow found that huge one I always associate the beach with sharks. And giant squids. But that's a different matter. Oh look at me rambling too. Let's go." They both then headed down to the beach.

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"Thank you. But no matter how much I try to put my old life behind me, I can't help but feel it keeps coming back."


“NoNoNO! Really, it didn’t sound good. I don’t know stuff. Skye is the geek, not ME!”

Once outside, Melody was silent for a while as she walk, then began talking.

“I’m sorry to bother you with this Rouge, but I’m finding this new life rather confusing. On one hand I want to leave everything behind, every little thing about me. Maybe even a new name. But on the other…” Melody pulled out her knife and examined it, “…there’s things that I never want to let go off.”

As they headed down the beach they passed one or two others. As they passed occasional theey caught whispers of ‘Is that Mina?” or similar.

“And that kinda thing just makes it worse. Skye and I can’t go out without either being constantly mistake for the parent’s we’re trying to forget, or going in disguise. How are we meant to live a life like that?”

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