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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Great. I'll just write a couple more spells quickly," said Melody.


"No, it doesn't...." Harmony stuck her head round the door. "What's happening in there?"

Miles was still crying.

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"Yeah. It kinda does" Dominic said


"I only know a little defence" Sarah said. "And the rest I-I've only been told"

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"Some people called what I did 'evil'," said Keznerib, watching their reactions.


"Okay, I'll take a few slow attacks, and you defend, okay?"


"No problem Hope," said Melody.


"I'm trying, " said Anna. "He won't wake."

"Mom... dad.... Mommy? Daddy?" sobbed Miles. "Where are you? Where have you gone? I don't wanna be alone.... MOM? DAD?"

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Dominic looked surprised

"How was it evil" he asked


Sarah nodded

"Okay" she said

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"And that's the equipment sorted."


"If push comes to shove I'll hold his nose," replied Zamy worriedly as she came over.

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"As I said, I performed deals with people. They would do a task for me. If successful, I granted them a boon. If not, they were made to pay. Some called that evil," said Keznerib.


"Ready?" asked Zoe.


"Great. You'll get a grand view of the show!" grinned Melody.


"I hope it doesn't come to that!" said Anna.

Miles gave a heartfelt cry of "MOM!", laid still for a moment, then began to stir, eyes slowly flickering open.

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"Oh... uh... what kind of things did you do if they weren't successful" Dominic asked slightly worried now


Sarah braced herself and nodded

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"Indentured service was the usual payment, but we always agreed the terms beforehand," said Keznerib.


"Here we go!" said Zoe, moving in to make a few slow attacks.


"yeah! I can't wait to see the look on Skye face."


"Mom? Dad?" asked Miles as his eyes opened and he looked around. "Who...? Where...?" He shrank back in the bed.

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"I think it's going to terrify him completely."


"Let's head in there," said Zamy, stepping into Miles' bedroom.

"You were having quite the nightmare. I'm guessing you have your memories back now as you're mentioning your parents?"


In Haven, there was a flash of light as the group that went to Moebius returned.

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"It should do!" giggled Melody. "I wonder if there is anything else we can add?"


Miles sat there staring at Zamy and the others for a moment, as if trying to place them.

"Z... Zamy?" he asked, the clutched at his head.


Zark gave a sigh of relief as they got back, and wore a 'I need a shower' expression.

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"We've got the glowing blood, the sound effects. Do you want a ghostly aura or fog?"


"Yes, it's me. Are you ok?"


"I'm sure there's one around here somewhere. I'll just go tell Zamy it's done," replied Zunnie.

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"Oooooh, fog would be awesome!" grinned Melody.


"I... the last thing I remember... was looking for my parents," said Miles, sounding confused.


Zark nodded with a smile, and went hunting for one.

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"I'll try and rig something up then."


"You were dreaming, your memories are coming back."

Zunnie appeared in the doorway and entered the apartment.

"Zamy? It's done."

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"great, thanks!" said Melody.


"They... are..?" Miles rubbed his head again./

"It is?" asked Anna to Zunnie excitedly. "Does this mean Crowley's back?"

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"That... doesn't really sound right" Dominic said


Sarah put up a weak defence against the attacks

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"No problem."


"They must be, as you never really talked about your past before with any clarity."

Zunnie nodded at Anna. "Yep, he's gone to his home for a quick rest."

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"So you consider me evil too?" asked Keznerib, sounding curious.


"Hmm, I see. How... how strong and agile are you Sarah?" asked Zoe.


"No I just need tot think of what to say," said Melody.


"Why not?" asked Miles. "It's all..." he shook his head. "How.... how old am I?"

"Resting? Oh,. I won;t bother him yet then," said Anna

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"I'm sure you'll think of some good lines."


"'How old are you?' What's happened to you? You just fell asleep, how could that cause this."


"That might be best."

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"Yeah. Shouldn't be too hard," said Melody.


"I... I don't know.... In my newest memory... I'm 7... but there's older ones where I'm 11," said Miles.

"Yeah." Anna nodded. "You're not seven anymore Miles. You are 11."

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Hope nodded as she put the pieces of equipment together.


"Maybe I hsould use that amulet you gave me to reset your memories."

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"I... don't know" Dominic said


"I-I'm n-n-not th-that strong. Or agile" Sarah said looking down

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Melody waited patiently, which was odd for her.


"I gave you that... yeah.. I did... feels likes years ago.." said Miles.

"I think you better," said Anna.


"I do not see myself as evil. But then, I am unconcerned with 'good' as well. I am merely interested in the wonders of the world. And others can help me explore that," said Keznerib.


"That's okay. You can still improve," said Zoe.

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Dominic turned to Ziona

"What do you think? You're the one who was worried" he said


"I'll never be as good as you thoguh" Sarah said quietly

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