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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hi again!" Dominic said with a wave


"That w-was fast" Sarah said


"He likes you too. Everyone here is family or friends to him" Dylan said. He then shuddered realising he shouldn't have said

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"Hello. I was not expecting you to follow me," said the figure as he fully formed. "And... who have you brought with you?"


"Yep, there was one closer than I thought," said Zoe.


Skye was silent for a moment. "Everyone here is your friend too Dylan."


"Don't worry, it'll be our little secret," said Melody with a wink.


Miles began turning in his sleep, ending up rolling off the couch.

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"This is Ziona. She wanted to meet you" Dominic said


"So... w-we go in?" Sarah asked


Dylan looked away without saying anything

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Hope smiled. "Anything else you want for it?"


Zamy looked out from her door when she heard the thud.

"That didn't last long."

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"Indeed. I hope she was not hoping for another boon from me," said the figure, followed by a raspy chuckle.


"Yep!" said Zoe opening to door to the room. "We have the place to ourselves."


"Wait... Dylan... do you... think he's REPLACING you?"


"Hmm, any suggestions?" asked Melody


Miles, someone, was still sleeping.

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"Nuh uh. I think she wants to talk to you a bit" Dominic said, not wanting to say that they suspected him to be evil


Sarah gingerly entered the room

"That's good..." she said


Dylan shut the door again

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"Yes, I want to know about you," said Ziona.

"About me? Why would that be of interest to you?" asked the figure.


"Yep, we won't be disturbed," said Zoe. She walked over to a sealed cabinet and looked at the lock. "They weapons are in there..."




"If I think of anything too I'll let you know," said Melody


Miles kept twitching and rolling around the floor, but still wasn't waking.

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"Thanks, or we might be here all night."


"He seems to be okay," thought Zamy as she went into the kitchen.

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"Hmm, maybe some red paint as well for glowing blood stains... oh, and do you have any sound throwing equipment to create spooky noises?" asked Melody


Miles keep turning, knocking into the coffee table a few times, but not hard enough to hurt

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"The red I can easily do, and I can probably throw something together for your sound system."


Zamy heard Miles knock against the table and finally decided to wake him up, walking over and picking him up.

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Melody giggled. "This'll be great, thanks. Oh, and you might want some recording equipment too, so you can watch."


Miles kept turning as he was picked up, but didn't wake.

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"That might be a little tricky, but I'll see what I can do."


ZAmy put Miles on his bed in his room and left, closing the door behind her.

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"You don't have to, but otherwise you'll miss out," said Melody.


Miles kept tossing and turning, but thankfully didn't fall out of bed. "Mom? I think Dad was looking for you...." he muttered to himself.

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"Yeah, it's just I'l have to boost the signal so it can reach here from the island."


"Maybe his memories of his childhood are coming back," she thought to herself as she heard him.

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"Ahh, fair enough," nodded Melody.


"Who was that strange man....? I have an uncle...? why did you chase him off...?" muttered Miles before turning over again.

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"Just tell her please" Dominic said


"C-can you open it?" Sarah asked


Dylan paused behind the door, saying nothing

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"I am wondering why a soldier wishes to know," said the figure.

"I'm not a soldier," Ziona replied.

"And yet... you are here to protect those weaker than you," the figure replied.


"Just gimme a sec... I think I remember some tricks from Ziona," said Zoe as she began fiddling with the lock.


"Please don't hide away Dylan," said Skye.

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"Can I help?" asked Melody.


"Why isn't it safe to go to the park now?" murmured Miles

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"Please just tell her" Dominic said


Sarah looked on curiously


Dylan agaw didn't answer

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"In the cupboard over there, there should be a box. Can you get it for me please?"


"This might give me some useful data on his past," muttered Zamy as she continued to note down what she heard.

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"I'm a cop, that's my job," said Ziona. "Ensuring people obey the law."

"Hmm, separation of enforcing and warfare. Interesting," said the figure, then he looked at Domicin. "Very well, but how would you know what I was saying is the truth?"


Zoe pulled out a small metal rod from her pocket, pressed it into the lock, and a few manipulations later, the door slid open, revealing a massed array of all sorts of weaponry.


Skye sighed. "Goodbye Dylan. Just don'#t hide in your room for s long we all forget you. We miss you, and we're worried."


"Sure thing," said Melody, rushing over to the cupboard and back with the box.


"I saw my Uncle again today Dad. What does... "a..pren...tiss" mean?" murmured Miles.


Anna looked around nervously, before knocking on the door to Zamy and Miles' apartment.

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"Thanks, it should have the parts I need for a little signal booster," rpelied Hope, taking the box and opening it up.


Zamy jotted what she heard down as she went to the door and opened it.

"Anna, what are you doing here? Are you ok? You look worried."

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