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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We can do that when the time comes."


"If you want to stay up I won't force you to go to bed, just don't fall asleep on me."

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"Great! Hmm, does it glow in light as well, or only when it's dark?" asked Melody.


"I'll try not to," said Miles with a yawn. "I guess.... I still haven't caught up with sleep since this whole thing started."

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"It does have a faint glow in the light, but it's much better in the dark."


"That makes sense."

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"Right, we'll need to make sure all the lights are off then... hmm, is there anyone around here you don't like and wanna prank?" asked Melody with a grin.


"Yeah... It seems so long ago, but it's only been a few days," said Miles.

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"Not that I can think of. Everyone is nice enough to me."


"I know what you mean."

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"That's good. More than makes up for the disappointment of not pranking someone.... Unless I take some home with me and spook my brother...."


Miles smiled.

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"By all means go for it, it's a totally harmless chemical mixture."


Zamy got up to get herself another drink.

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"Heehee, this should be fun!" grinned Melody.


Miles sat back on the couch, thinking. And a few moments later, sleeping.

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Dominic got up and stood next to Ziona


Sarah nodded and followed


Dylan rolled his eyes

"How reassuring" he said

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Stacey stood next to Ziona.

"Here we go," said Ziona as she teleported the group.


Zoe went out and studied a nearby map.


"I... I didn't mean.... Dylan... I know you have issues with transformations.... but..."

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Dominic braced himself as he was teleported


"Is it far?" Sarah asked


"That's an understatement

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"Agreed, what colour do you want to be?"


Zamy returned and saw Miles sleeping, so turned off the TV and went to watch the remainder in her room.

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The trio arrived in a field of sand blasted ruins.

"Cheerful place."


"Not far at all. We're here, and it's there," said Zoe, pointing at the map.


"And... he is a reminder of that, but... you shouldn't hold it against him."


"Hmm, got any silver or white. That's the most ghost like!"


Miles stirred a little in his sleep.

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"It probably got ruined from sandstorms" Dominic said looking around


Sarah looked carefully at the map but didn't really understand it


"I don't hold it against him! I just don't want him here!" Dylan snapped

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"Yeah. Any sign of your friend around?" asked Ziona.


"Got it Sarah? Okay, let's go," said Zoe.


"Where else can he go?" asked Skye.

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"I can make some," smiled Hope as she mixed more chemicals.

"I can make some," smiled Hope as she mixed more chemicals.

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"I dunno..." Dominic said. "HELLO?"


"Oh. Uh... r-right. Coming" Sarah said making a move


"How am I supposed to know" Dylan asked

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"Great. Thanks Hope!" grinned Melody.


"Well, there's always the direct approach," said Ziona as the sand seemed to whip around them


Zoe started jogging down the stairs


"Perhaps it should be worth checking he has somewhere before throwing him out into the cold."

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Melody smiles. "Just pop a lid on it then I'll grab a paint brush when I'm back in Haven."

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Melody took the beaker carefully. "Even if it doesn't I'll have fun playing with it."

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"That'll be him I think" Dominic said seeing the sand


Sarah was running after, just managing to keep up


"Why don't you ask him then" Dylan said

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"Looks like a good guess," said Ziona as the sand began to form a figure.


"We're here!" called Zoe as she reached a door.


"Because... he'll want to be with his friends," said Skye.


"Yep. There's quite a few things I'm sure I can do with it!"

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