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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I dunno but I'm sure he can't have" Dominic said. "He wanted to explore the world. It's easier to start with what's near"


"That's early for me" Sarah said quietly


"I don't care" Dylan called out

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"Heh, I guess it does!"


"Well, it's all relative," said Miles.


"Hmm, I suppose you're right. I wonder... do any of these ruins correlate to a city from his time," pondered Ziona


"Oh... yeah... uh... when do you usually eat?" asked Zoe


"You're a heartless..." Skye said a rather rude word.

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"Do you want to do anything else while you're here?"


"That's a fair point, the teens are at least trying to form a plan now."

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"I think we should do one last thing before I head home," said Melody. "Not sure what though."


"well, at least one of them has to make it home I guess," said Miles.

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"I dunno" Dominic said shrugging


"Wh-when I finish work. I-it's u-usually dark by th-then" Sarah said


"He shouldn't exist! How is that heartless?" Dylan called out

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"Let's see then. Any of these hieroglyphs look like a map to you boys?" asked Ziona.


"Well, there's less work to do here so it's not dark. But... are you hungry?" asked Zoe.


Skye's voice became icey. "My sisters shouldn't exist either then?" he asked.


"Thanks Hope," smiled Melody


"I guess, but if everyone dies that kinda kills the relief you should feel at the end of the story," pondered Miles.

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"No problem."


"Not all of these films go for a sense of relief. In fact many of the good ones stick with you." replied Zamy before taking a bite into her half of the pizza.

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Melody started looking around the lab. "I was starting to feel kinda at home here," she smiled.


"Oh... That's... uh...." Miles seemed a little nervous.

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Hope gave her friend a hug. "That means a lot to me."


Zamy gave a mischievous laugh.

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Melody was surprised but hugged back with a smile. "Thanks Hope. I'm just pleased you're happy."


Miles gave a tiny 'eep' and shrunk back slightly.

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"Same goes to you."


Zamy set her plate on the sidetable next to her.

"Don't worry, everything will be absolutely fine as long as you don't look behind you."

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Melody smiled widely back, then hugged Hope tighter, a bit overwhelmed for words.


Miles shivered, wrapping his tails around him.

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"Now let's think of something to do."


Zamy gave a genuine smile.

"Relax, I'm just kidding, there's nothing to worry about. Now eat your dinner before it gets cold."

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"Yes, lets!"


Miles gave a giggle. "Of course, I knew that," he half lied. He started munching on his pizza.

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Hope sat down and pondered what to do.


""You didn't look like you were in on it."

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"There's gotta be something to do," said Melody


"I was just playing along!" said Miles.

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"I'm thinking, I'm thinking," replied Hope before walking over to one of her lab benches.


"You can sit next to me if it'll make you feel better."

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melody leaned against one of the machines, also thinking.


"That won't.. hurt you will it?" asked Miles, looking at the bandage on Zamy's side.

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Hope pulled some chemical bottles out of the drawer.

"If you turn the lights off I can show you something cool with these."


Zamy moved over. "Not if you sit on the other side."

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"Sure," grinned Melody, running over to the light switch, and flicking it off.


Miles smiled. "Okay then," he said happily, moving next to Zamy.

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Hope got some beakers out then poured a chemical into each one.


"There's no escaping me now," laughed Zamy.

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"Uh... I didn't look before" Dominic said


"N-not really" Sarah said


"No. I never said that at all!" Dylan said quickly

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Melody came over, interested in Hope's actions.


Miles giggled. "Guess I'm doomed then!"


"Time to look now boys. The world could be at stake," said Ziona.


"Shall we do some exercise to build up an appetite?" asked Zoe.


"But you implied it. None of them should exist, like like Dominic shouldn't exist."

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Hope mixed the chemicals together in different beakers, each turning into a different fluorescent colour with a layer of vapour on top.


"You're darn right."

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