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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"A shame? How do you think they'd react to large creatures flying around breathing fire in those days?" asked Hope.

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"Uh.... okay, good point. We're used to weird things these days!" said Melody

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Yah. (he said before slowly starting to fade away.)If you need me just get ahold of me with this. ( he said throwing her a ring that would allow thim to speak to each other threw.)

aka he's turning into flames and letting the wind carry him.ME

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Anna caught the ring and looked up sadly. "I'll miss you Spark. I'll.... I'll let you know what happens here everyday!"

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"They call those 'dragon tracks'? I guess they've never seen a car go offroad in their lives!"

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"I've never done it before. So it'll be hard" Dominic said


"H-happy to help" Sarah said

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"Well at least the spy can spot the obvious for them. And naturally here comes the 'dragon'. They all ran on diesel in those days," joked Hope.

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"I'm sure you'll do it!" grinned Stacey.


"You're a really great girl!" said Zoe.


"That explains the fire breath then!"

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"Yeah. You were pretty close Shadow. It's a tank with some paint on the front and a flamethrower."

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Dominic grinned and began concentrating


Sarah looked surprised

"Th-th-thank you b-but I'm not" she said

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"Better than a guy in a suit!" said Melody.


Stacey stood out of the sand to watch.


"Why do you say that?" asked Zoe.

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"Agreed, and I guess the guy helping the spy out won't be returning for a sequel."

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"That's... a pretty horrific way to go!"

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The sand began lifting off the ground and forming a new shape


"Wh-what do you m-mean?" Sarah asked

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"You're doing it!" exclaimed Stacey.


"Why do you think you're not a good girl?"

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Dominic grinned and kept concentrating


"I... just don't" Sarah said

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Stacey watched the sand intrigued.


"Well, you ARE, even if you don't believe it!" said Zoe.


Melody shuddered

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The sand seemed to be forming inti a sculpture of Zoe


"Y-you're too k-kind to me" Sarah said

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Stacey tried to suppress a giggle.


"I'm kind, but not too kind," said Zoe. "And I'm not lying."

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"Finished!" Dominic said completing the sculpture


"I-if you s-s-say so" Sarah said

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Stacey looked over the sculpture. "It's good Dominic!"


"I do," said Zoe putting down the hair brush. "See, it's a lot neater now!"

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"You really think so?" Dominic asked


Sarah looked in the mirror

"I-it certainly looks n-n-nicer?" she asked

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