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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah! We'll do the rest ourselves!" said Stacey.


"Sorry Sarah," said Zoe, trying to go more gently. "I've never seen hair this tangled before!"

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"Yeah. After we explore" Dominic said


"S-sorry" Sarah said looking down

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"Yes,,, Hey, we're getting near the end!"


"Hey, it's not your fault Sarah. It's just the way things have turned out," said Zoe.

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"Really?" Dominic asked


"I-I'll t-t-try to m-make sure it d-doesn't happen a-again" Sarah said

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"Yeah! See, you can just make out the door," said Stacey pointing ahead.


"Just make sure you keep washing your hair and that will stop the worst of them!" said Zoe.

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"Oh yeah! This is exciting!" Dominic said


"I... I w-will" Sarah said

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"Let's get the door open and see where we are," said Stacey.


"Good. Do you want your hair styled at all, or just brushed?" Zoe asked.


"It'll be the death of him one day!"

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"After you" Dominic said


"St-styled?" Sarah asked

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"Unless there's more than one and it's just a code name!" said melody.


"Can you help with the door again?" asked Stacey as he tried to open it.


"Yeah, like in a ponytail," Zoe held the hair in the indicated way, "or pigtails, or a few braids like I've got in mine."

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"It's stuck too?" Dominic asked coming over


"I... I... d-don't... know" Sarah said

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"No... I can just move it... but it's really stiff!" said Stacey as the door very slowly opened, a bit of sand trickling through the crack.


"Well, how about we put a little braid in it then?" suggested Zoe.


Melody giggled. "Maybe he's a shapeshifter then, which is why he looks different later!"

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"Or maybe something's blocking it" Dominic said giving it a push


"W-will it l-l-look n-nice?" Sarah asked

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"Maybe..." said Stacey as the door opened further and there was a sudden rush of sand into the passageway. Which thankfully ceased after a second.


"Oh yes, very nice," Zoe smiled. "Trust me!"


"Yeah. Plenty movies to go!"

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"It seems so" Dominic said getting partially buried by the sand


"O-okay. I-I trust y-y-you" Sarah said

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"Yeah, it was! Are you okay Dominic?" asked Stacey as he pulled himself out of the sand.


Zoe paused. "You... you do Sarah? You fully trust me?"

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"Yeah. I'm fine. A little sand doesn't hurt me" Dominic said smiling


"O-of course. Wh-why wouldn't I?" Sarah asked

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"Exactly. I wonder what this 'dragon' is they're talking about."

"Exactly. I wonder what this 'dragon' is they're talking about."

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"Heh, you could probibly control it!" grinned Stacey.


"Sorry, I just..." Zoe smiled. "I like it when people trust me. After what happened over the last month...."


"Did they have dragons in those days?" asked Melody

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"I think dragons were just mythical creatures back then, but I could be wrong," replied Hope.

"I hope it just isn't a man in a suit with a flamethrower," said Shadow dryly.

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"I probably could. Yeah" Dominic said. "Want me to make a sculpture from it?"


"W-well I d-d-do trust y-you. I always w-will" Sarah said trying to smile

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"That's a shame.... and given what we've seen so far in the film, I wouldn't be surprised!"


"Sure! Go for it!" said Stacey.


"Thank you Sarah," said Zoe smiling back. "That means a lot to me!"

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