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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"And be a nice 'here I am' becon to spot," said Stacey.


"You sort the clothes out, it'll be easy to tell who's is who's from the size. I'll look through the rest of the belongings and work out which are mine," said Zoe.


"I guess, but it still seems odd."

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Dominic giggled more

"Exactly" he r


"A-as you wish" Sarah said looking for where the clothes were

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"But you shouldn't need to worry about that. Hey, can you use your earth powers to detect passages?" asked Stacey.


"The clothes are stored behind the sliding wall there. The cupboard is built into the wall," pointed out Zoe

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"Hopefully it'll pass down quickly!"

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"I could try" Dominic said


"Oh... th-thank y-you" Sarah said heading over

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"Give it a go! Even if we don't find anything, it might be a useful trick for later!" said Stacey.


"No probs.... hmm.... I... don't have much stuff," said Zoe as she looked around the room.

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"I really hope so. That assassin seemed pretty incompetent," said Hope, looking back to the film.

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"Yeah... and desperate!" added Melody

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"Yeah! Good point! I'll try now" Dominic said closing his eyes to concentrate


"D-do you w-w-want me to g-get more for y-you?" Sarah asked

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Stacey remained quiet to help his friend concentrated.


"More?" asked Zoe surprised.

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"I hope the bad guy has a better class of henchman!"

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Dominic began walking over to one of the walls, his eyes still closed


"M-more stuff" Sarah said

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Stacey followed close behind.


"How could you get me more?" asked Zoe.


"Poor guy! I feel sorry for him already. His best assassins are blind..."

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"There's something behind here" Dominic said


Sarah looked down

"I-I-I don't know" she said

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"There is?" asked Stacey excited. "See, you can do it!"


"Don't worry about it Sarah. I'll get more stuff as I... I live my life," said Zoe. She picked up the locket Ziona had been wearing. "My... life..." Zoe repeated.

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"Well... I still could be wrong" Dominic said opening his eyes


"I-if you say so" Sarah said continuing with the clothes

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"I doubt it. Now we just need to work out how to open it," grinned Stacey.


Zoe didn't respond, she kept stating at the locket.

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"That's the hard bit" Dominic said


"M-my lady? I mean Zoe... a-are you okay?" Sarah asked

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"But the FUN bit," said Stacey smiling, feeling around the wall.


"My life... someones elses life given a different direction.... nothing by lies and borrowed memories as a past..." Zoe was talking more to herself than Sarah.

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"Shame there's no bool case" Dominic said doing the same


Sarah turned

"Wh-what?" She asked

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"Yeah, or a torch bracket!" Stacey burst into giggles as the fire in his hand flickered. He stopped laughing and watched the flicker. "There's a breeze here. There's definitely a door!"


"Who am I?" asked Zoe.

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