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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We'll find them if we look," said Stacey setting off.


"NO! Don't say that! This will be good too! Okay?"


Melody had an uncomfrotible look and rubed one of her ears. "Somethings not right with the air pressure here."

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Sarah nodded and set off


Dominic giggled

"I was joking" he said

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"I feel it too.," Hope wandered over to a large glass window, realising it was a two way mirror when she looked through it to see a familiar face oblivious to her being there.

"Melody, I think you might want to take a look at this."

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"Give a shout if you see or hear them," said Stacey.


Zoe gave Dominic a shove. "Don#t tease me like that!"


"What? What have you found?" asked Melody walking over/

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"It's Shadow, he's doing a puzzle by the looks of it. But look at him, he seems pretty happy. I think this is the Ark. I guess time jumping isn't an exact science."

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"I-I will" Sarah said with a nervous smile


Dominic giggled more

"Sorry" he said

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Melody blinked. "Care to rewind a bit? Are you saying we're at the wrong time AGAIN!" She looked through the window. "It's kinda.... odd seeing him looking happy."


"Good," smiled Stacey.


"Good! And don't do it again!" said Zoe!

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"Yes. Like I said this isn't an exact science, it's not like I have a map I can plot on. I've never seen him smile for that long before, hey someone's walking in there. I think that's Maria Robotnik."

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Melody looked at Maria, then at Hope, then back to Maria, then at Hop again. "Uh...."

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"A-are y-y-you coming?" Sarah asked


"Yes ma'am" Dominic said with a grin

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"Right behind you!" said Stacey


"Good! Don't make me put you in your place like I did with Sarah!" joked Zoe.


"Resemblance? It's like this is an actual mirror!" exclaimed Melody. "Uh... Hope? What is it?"

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"Yeah, it is a bit freaky. No wonder Shadow took a shine to you," said Melody. "But unless you actually want to meet her, we should leave before we're discovered."

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"Yeah, don't want to mess up the space-time continuum." As Hope activated the teleporter, she felt a shift in the ground and geard an alarm, but they were away before she could work out what it was. They arrived in Hope's lab about an hour after they'd left.

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Sarah smiled again and looked around


"I wouldn't listen" Dominic answered back

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"Are we back properly this time?" asked Melody. "You're not gonna end up meeting your best friend a week beofre you should or something?"


"I think I can hear them!" said Stacey.


"I think I could make you!" said Zoe.

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"That's good. Uh. Are you okay?" asked Melody

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"Y-yeah. Over th-th-there" Sarah said pointing timidly


Dominic giggled again

"You probably could" he said

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"Ah yes, thanks," said Stacey

"See, don't underestimate me!" grinned Zoe. She turned. "Hi Stacey, hi Sarah!" she waved.

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"Do you want me to leave you alone for a bit?" asked Melody

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Dominic turned still giggling

"Hi you two" he said

Sarah timidly waved back

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Zoe grinned. "Hi Stacey. Hi Sarah. Is that you done with your work?"

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