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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Stop trying to make things sound better than they are" Sarah said

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Miles gulped. "I hope not!"


"That's it! Keep them up!"


"Do you want me to make it worse? Tell you that you're now a pathetic failure and nothing will ever correct it?"

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Sarah looked shocked and took a step back

"Wh-wh-what?" She asked

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"Agreed. Especially with his number one fan around to witness any outburst."


Hope kept going.

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"Oh... yes..." Miles did his best not to let any emotion show.


"You're doing great! Just keep following the music!" said Melody, going more freestyle.


"Is that what you'd rather hear? Than me trying to make it better?" Stacey asked.

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Sarah still looked shocked

"I... I...I-I-I..." she said beginning to cry

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"Don't act so neutral. It's unnatural."


"I guess I'm finally getting the hang of it."

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Stacey's eyes widened. "I... sorry Sarah. I.. shouldn't have been like that."


"Would you rather I went off on a jealous rant?" asked Miles.


"Finally? You've barely been doing it for minutes!"

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"Better now than in front of her."


"Well I am a fast learner," smiled Hope.

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"N-no, it's okay Shadow. I can manage," said Miles. "I know it's just me being stupid anyway."


"Now THAT'S putting it mildly!" said Melody

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Sarah kept crying

"I-I... wh-what's g-g-going o-on?" She asked

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"Sarah? What is it?"


"Thank you," said Miles.


(With Hope learning skills she could be the Mobius Batman!)

"You should a bit more! Seriously!"

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"I-I-I f-feel st-strange" Sarah said shaking

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"Don't mention it."


(Lol! I'm not sure she's rich enough :P )

"I'm fine as I am."

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"How... In what way?" asked Stacey, sensing the other Sarah was back.


Miles nodded.


"Even though it would be so easy for you to improve!"

(She does have the equivalent of the Wayne Enterprises Secret lab!)

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"I still remember when Skye freaked out when I didn't stop her flattering him. It was rather amusing."


"i know I can improve, I mean I don't like to brag about it."

(Heh, very true).

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(ooc: Not yet)

"I-I f-f-feel so sc-scared. A-and m-my m-m-memories..." Sarah began

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"Skye freaked out?" asked Miles curiously.


"Yeah, but with all your skills, it's almost odd you DON'T brag!"


"Wh-what about your memories?" asked Stacey worried.

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"Yes, he was quite displeased by the thought of his mother becoming involved with him. I then frightened him even further by suggesting I could pretend to be him and become his father. For a few seconds he believed me."


"In a way you have a point."

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Miles was torn between shock and amusement, ending up snorting with laughter. "I'd have liked to have seen his face!"


"Yeah... but then, you are really nice... so maybe you shouldn't change!"

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"Th-they're all m-m-muddled" Sarah said sounding more and more timid

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"I know. It's what the pool does. I was the same," said Stacey

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"It was certainly a sight to see."


"Awww thanks." Hope hugged Melody.

"As far as sisters go, you're the best."

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