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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay Zamy. I'll head back to Haven and leave you in peace," said Miles


"But it still shows you could pull it off. C'mon, I'll show you how!"

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Sarah looked at it

"I-I recognise that. It's..." she began. Her eyes then widened and she backed away. "N-n-no! What am I doing? What am I doing?"

She was clutching her head

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"Have fun," replied Zamy.

"I'll give you a lift," said Shadow.


"Ok," nervously replied Hope.

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"Sarah?" asked Stacey worried, rushing to her side. "Guys, you should go."

"No," said Skye. "I'd best we go through with this."


"Thank you Shadow," said Miles. "I'll try to Zamy. Hope the forms aren't too hard."


"Okay, first just try and copy me," said Melody doing some simple moves.

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Shadow Chaos Controlled them to Haven.

"That was certainly an experience."


Hope followed the basics and copied them.

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Sarah slumped to the ground

"It'snotmeit'snotmeit'snotme..." she was saying

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Miles nodded. "And one I'm in now hurry to repeat. Are you... you alright now?"


"See, you're doing well," said Melody.


Stacey knelt down next to Sarah. "Sarah, concentrate, listen to me. Who are you?" he said firmly

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"Leave me alone!" Sarah shouted

"I think that answers our question" Dominic said

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"Yeah, sounds like she's back to normal," said Zoe.

"I want to help!" said Stacey.

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"How?! You can't make me n-normal!" Sarah said, getting quieter

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"We can. It will.... just take time!" said Stacey, not sure if he should admit how long it would really take.

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"I want to be normal now" Sarah said getting quieter still

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"I'm sorry Sarah, we can't mange that," said Stacey, grabbing the sword from Zoe, and pushing it towards Sarah. "The best we can do is give you some time with your own mind."

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Sarah was still covering her head, and rocking in her place. Then she looked at her sword, conflicted on whether to pick it up or not

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"Sarah? Please. Speak to me," said Stacey.


"Should have guessed!" commented Miles.


"Okay, let's get a little more complex."

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Sarah looked up at Stacey clearly distressed and then reached out to take the sword

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Sarah took hold of the sword

"I-it's heavy" she said

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"It's the same weight it always was<" said Stacey. "You're body is just..." he gulped. "Weaker*

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Sarah looked shocked

"Weak... weaker? No. No NO! I'M NOT WEAKER! I CAN'T BE!" she shouted

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Zoe shook her head. "Bad choice of words Stacey."

"I know," muttered Stacey, half to Zoe and half to himself. "I'm... afraid it's true. The sword is heavier, you couldn't use it in your fight against Zoe. I doubt you can even call upon fire."

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"I'm not called the ultimate lifeform just for my charming personality."


"Ok then."

"I'm not called the ultimate lifeform just for my charming personality."


"Ok then."

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"I have to! I have to!" Sarah cried out standing up, sword in hand. Then it slipped from her grasp

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Stacey looked at the sword on the ground, unsure what to say.

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