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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well I'm not. I don't understand why all of a sudden everyone comes here. There are plenty of other perfectly good Zones."


"Especially the ensuing tidal wave, that'd probably result in a war if it hit anything."

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"Uh..... Well.... I came because of Anna... Anna came and stayed because of Skye and Melody. And the new kids all came because of Skye and Dylan... And Dylan came because he's a wanted man in his Zone and already knows people here..." said Miles


"They must be able to do a controlled landing.... come to think of it, it's a wonder it doesn't cause a disaster every time it falls!"

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"Yeah. Let's" Dominic said smiling


Sarah smiled

"Th-that's good" she said. "N-not too much"

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Zoe took the sword from Harmony, but she wasn't smiling as she heading to the arboretum.


"Is that enough?" asked Stacey.

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Dominic quickly followed


Sarah looked and gave a timid nod

"I-it sh-should be" she said

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"I realise that. But it's still bordering on ridiculous. I realise the irony of me saying this after having been attacked by ghosts."


"Yeah, they must have some way of slowing it down."

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"Okay, great," said Stacey as he stopped watering, and say the other's approaching. "Hi guy's. What;s up?" he asked.


"No, it is pretty crazy," accepted Miles. "But the Prime Zone always has been!"


"Or they're Darn lucky!"

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"It's not much comfort. Anyway, back to work. It was good to see you again Zean.

"Likewise. See you soon. And again, thank you." Zean waved and teleported off.


"That could be it."

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Miles gave a little wave as Zean left. "Will he be fine?" he asked.


"Yeah. Even with a way to slow down it'd make a real mess hitting solid ground!"

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"Yes he should be now, thankfully."


"I don't think it's ever landed on the ground for that very reason."

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"Now... I guess this was eating away at him," said Miles.


"Let's hope it never does!"

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"Hi Stacey. We have something for Sarah" Dominic said

Sarah timidly looked up

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"You do?" asked Stacey. "What?"

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Miles was silent.


"But enough worries about stuff centuries into the future!"

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"I thought there was only you two left," said Miles. "And why was it so bad?"


Melody returned to dancing.

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"Why was it so bad? I thought that'd be obvious."


Hope laughed as she watched Melody

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"We need to show her" Dominic said

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"I mean.... uh... nevermind, it doesn't matter," said Miles.


"C'mon Hope, join in! I know you can!" grinned Melody


"Uh, okay," said Stacey.

"Sarah, we want you to look at this," said Zoe, holding out the wrapped up sword.

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"Wh-what is it?" Sarah asked slowly coming over

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Zoe slowly took the cover off, revealing the sword.

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"Fine then. I still have some paperwork to finish, so it'll be a while before I'm back at Haven."


"I can't dance to save my life."

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Miles nodded. "Okay Zamy. Do you want a hand with it?" he asked.


"You danced really well in your dream!" said Melody.

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