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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I would have said it was his own fault for being distracted. A Raiju should have better discipline, right?" Zoe asked. Stacey looked down at his feet.

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"Well it's the idea of seeing is believing. I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't there."


"That should get you through the night. We should get some of the fireworks later as well."

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"B-b-but I st-still shouldn't have d-distracted him" Sarah said

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Miles just shook his head.


"Oh, good idea! But they'll never beat the ones at my coronation!" laughed Melody.


Zoe grinned. "Okay, if you insist on being punished, you will be. Once you finsih working her today, you come with me. And you're not allowed to protest for the rest of the night because it's you're punishment, got it?"

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"You can't really understand as you're used to magic and ghosts almost from birth," said Zamy.


"I guess we'll have to see."

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Sarah gave a timid nod

"I-I undersatnd. I-I-I'll do as you c-command" she said

Dominic looked in confusion at Zoe

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"I guess so.... but if I'm used to it... then it's hard to see such extreme skepticism," said Miles.


"Yeah. It'll be cool to watch!"


"Good. But for now, just enjoy the garden," smiled Zoe, who then winked at Dominic.

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"As you wish... Zoe" Sarah said quickly getting back to cutting the plants

"What are you planning?" Dominic asked Zoe

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"Wait and see," grinned Zoe.

"Do you still want me to help?" asked Stacey.

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"Aww... why won't you tell me?" Dominic asked


"W-well. I d-d-do like your c-company" Sarah said blushing slightly. "B-but you don't h-have to" Sarah said quietly

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"Because you won't like it!" said Zoe.


"I want to stay," said Stacey, a little more firmly than normal.


"Yeah... That's good," said Miles.


Melody grinned. "Let's get back!"

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"I won't? What makes you say that?" Dominic asked confused


"A-a-as you w-wish, m-my... Stacey" Sarah said trying not to show ho happy she was he was staying

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"It's girly stuff!" grinned Zoe. "I'm gonna clean her up!"


""I'll try not to spill the water this time," smiled Stacey as he watered the flowers again.

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Dominc looked open mouthed

"You're what?" he asked


"I-I'm sure you'll d-d-do well" Sarah said

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"I just said!" grinned Zoe. "You can't denied she could do with smartening up!"


"Thank you Sarah," smiled Stacey.

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"Are you so glum because you didn't get to run in and release the ghost?" laughed Zamy.


Hope headed back to the party.

"Are you so glum because you didn't get to run in and release the ghost?" laughed Zamy.


Hope headed back to the party.

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"Huh? Release the ghost?" asked Miles confused.


Melody followed

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"Well... I guess not, but do you think she'd be happier smartened up?" Dominic asked


Sarah blushed again and finished one of the plants

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"Put the talisman on the forehead. Release its spirit."


"Well we're back."

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"No. That's why it's her punishment," said Zoe. "But I might be able to get her to at least clean regularly!"


"It's starting to look nice now," said Stacey, looking at Sarah's work.


"No, I'm not disappointed," said Miles. "I was just... really worried."



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Dominic smiled

"Good point. That'll be good for her" he said


Sarah truned paround. It was obvious she was blushing now

"Th-th-thank y-you, my l... Stacy" she said

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"Yes. If I promote her to my Handmaiden or something, she may dress smart more often," said Zoe.


"It's not a problem Sarah. You clearly have skill with plants."

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Dominic giggled

"By the looks of things, she'll find that difficult. Maybe you need to teach her a bit" he said


Sarah couldn't help but smile a little

"I-I do t-t-try" she said

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"It's nice to know believe it or not," smiled Zamy.


"How subtle," laughed Hope.

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