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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Mark smiled


Sarah gave a very nervous smile

"I-if y-y-you w-want" she said

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Miles nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I can do that!" he said, pleased to have a job.


The song ended and Melody bowed to cheers.


"So where did the other's go?" asked Skye.


"I don't know much about plants. You need to tell me what to do," said Stacey.

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"Hold on, let me concentrate," said Miles. "Uh... I'm guessing the balcony doesn't count as 'part of the apartment' for the talisman.


"Melody grinned, shared a few words with the performers, then jumped down from the stage. "How was I?" she asked.

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"They went to show Sarah something" Dominic answered


"M-m-me? T-tell you wh-what to do?" Sarah asked clearly uncomfortable with what to do

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"Great. I'll check it out," replied Zamy as she headed over to the balcony.


"You were great!"

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"Oh, I see," said Skye.


"Well.. yes..." said Stacey. "Uh... maybe I'll just watch."


"CarefuL!" called Miles.


"Thanks Hope!" said Melody hugging her friend. "And the band invited us backstage too!"

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"I will be." Zamy slid open the door to the balcony and stepped onto it.


"That's cool. Do you know who they are?"

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"Yeah. It's a surprise for her" Dominic said grinning


"I-I can t-t-try to h-help say wh-wh-what to do" Sarah said

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Miles nodded, but looked worried.


"Er.... no... but it should be easy to find out," said Melody.


"I think what happened to her would be surprise enough," said Skye rolling his eyes.


"Please do, but if you don't want to, you're... er.. you're orders are to tell me!" said Stacey.

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The door was slid shut as the ghost tried to shove Zamy over the edge, but she managed to jam the talisman ont it's forehead, causing it to dissipate.

"One down."


"You might want to make it snappy."

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"What's happening out there?" cried Miles


Melody laughed and looked at the stand.

(So.. any suggestions?)

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"Well... she doesn't know she changed" Dominic said


"I-I would l-l-like you h-here. I-I-I like y-you around" Sarah said

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"Yeah, that's a good point," said Skye.

"What, already?" asked harmony.


"Then I'll stay!" smiled Stacey

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"I'm ok, I got one of them," called Zamy as she re-entered the apartment.


(I'm trying to think of who was big back then).

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Dominic nodded

"It affected her really quick" he said. "Which is why she's nicer!"


Sarah began blushing slightly

"Th-thank you" she said quietly

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(ooc: There's been a few weird glitches!)

"One... you mean... there's more than one?" asked Miles.


"That wouldn't be difficult," commented Skye and Harmony together.


"So, where do we start?" asked Stacey.

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"Yes. 2 more in fact, but only one of them is malevolent. Sadly he's also the most dangerous."


(Spice Girls?)

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Dominic giggled

"Maybe not but it's still true" he said


"I-I think w-we should start I-I-in the darkest areas. Th-they'll need more time to r-recover" Sarah said

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"Shall I see if I can find them.. wait.. one isn't malevolent... what is it then?"


(Were they gone by 2000?)


"It's still strange seeing her so docile... and messy.... " said Skye


"This corner seems pretty dark," said Skye as he walked through the arboretum.

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Dominic nodded

"Yeah. It is. But we can't just telll her to stop being that way. It'll be too hard. We need to help her a bit" he said


Sarah looked

"Y-yes. This is a good place to start" she said

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"I'll explain it to you some day. It's rather sad."


(They were coming to their end, but were still active throughout 2000 before a hiatus).

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"The pool did a real number on her," said Skye. "I hope she stays that way."

"SKYE!" exclaimed Harmony shocked.


"So what tools do we need?" Stacey asked.


"I see," said Miles. "I'll try and track them."



"Look's like they're called the Spice Girls... odd name..."

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"Thanks Miles. I'm sorry you have to deal with this."


"Yeah. Still, they sounded good."

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