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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Sarah?" Harmony whispered back. "Oh boy...." She spoke up. "Oh yes, Sarah. I remember now. Sorry."

"Do you want to come with me Sarah," said Stacey. "There's something we want to show you."

"I'm coming too!" called Zoe.


"The sounds getting fainter! We might be safe," said Miles.


"Careful, or I'll push YOU onto the stage!"

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Shadow got inside and hit the elevator call button. Two were coming down to the ground floor, the one on his side at a slightly faster rate. When the doors opened it revealed the lights were out, but Shadow was yanked in and the elevator went back up. At the same time, the other elevator reached the lobby and Zamy and Zean stepped out.


"You wouldn't do that to your perfect sister would you?"

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"Yeah. She's very different" Dominic whispered

Sarah smiled

"That's me" she said. She then turned to Stacey. "S-something to sh-show m-me?"

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Miles gave a cry of fright and leapt back as Shadow was grabbed, bumping into Zamy and Zean.


"If she was perfect, she could sing!" grinned Melody.

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"Miles? What are you doing down here, where's Shadow?" asked Zamy.


"Well..er, the thing is...." mumbled Hope.

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"So I see," said Harmony.

"Mark wanted to meet you," Skye said to Harmony.

"Yes, follow me," said Stacey, heading out the kitchen.


"He... h-he... just got g-grabbed!" said Miles, pointing a shaking finger at the elevator.


"Thing is what?" asked Melody

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"Oh no!" Zamy looked terrified, glancing up at the arrows and seeing that the elevator had stopped moving.

"He probably hit the emergency stop. We need to get up there."


"That my voice isn't really up for it tonight."

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"Which floor is it," said Miles, heading for the stairs.


"Awwww, but I'm sure it will be once we get on stage!"

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"The 11th floor by the looks of it," said Zamy, running into the stairwell with Zean behind.


"That won't be necessary, trust me."

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"In a nice way though. She's very nice" Dominic whispered

Mark gulped and slowly came forward

"O-okay... Stacey" Sarah said followingu

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"The pool made her nice?" whispered Harmony unbelieving. She smiled at Mark. "Hello there. Nice to meet you."

Stacey made his way through haven, Zoe following.


Miles hurried up the stairs.


"Are you sure Sis!" laughed Melody

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Eventually Zamy and Zean reached the 11th floor and hurried to the elevator.


"I'm positive, trust me."

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Miles reached it and tried to prise it open.


Melody laughed again

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Zamy and Zean helped pry open the doors, Shadow falling out onto the ground as soon as they were open. Zamy rushed over to check if he was ok.


"What about you?"

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Miles cast a spell to create light, worried that Shadow being taken was just a distraction.


"Oh, you know me. I'm ALWAYS read to show off!" grinned Melody.

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Zamy felt Shadow's faint pulse and started pressing down on his chest to resuscitate him.


"That's what I'm worried about," laughed Hope.

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"Is... is he okay?" asked Miles worried.


"Now why would that worry you?" giggled Melody

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"Well he's still breathing, but he hasn't got much of a pulse. Given how long it took for us to get here it's a relief," replied Zamy as Shadow started to move.


"I'm afraid you'll drag me up there."

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"Yeah. At least I think she's nicer. Maybe you should talk to her" Dominic whispered

Mark gave a small bow

"N-nice to meet y-you too" he said nervously


"F-forgive me for a-a-asking b-but is I-it f-f-far?" Sarah asked quietly

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"Maybe later," whispered Harmony. She gave a laugh. "No need to bow Mark, I've no rank or anything here. Just a normal girl."


"Not far. In fact, we're there," said Stacey as they entered the messy arboretum.


"You just know he gonna boast about that!" said Miles, trying to lighten the mood.


"I won't do that. Promise," said melody

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"I-it's just m-my way of a g-greeting" Mark explained


"W-we are? Wh-what... is... th-this... place" Sarah said looking around at all the mess

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"Oh I'm sure he will," smiled Zamy as Shadow coughed.

"Why'd you do that? I almost had her," he joked. "But seriously, my heart was just slowing in there. I don't understand it."


"Thanks sis'".

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"Oh, I'm sorry," said Harmony. "I'm just used to people bowing because... well, nevermind, it's in the past. How are you finding life here?"


"This is the arboretum Sarah, an indoor garden. But as you can see, it's not well looked after. I thought you might like looking after it," said Stacey.


"maybe it's just something it can do..." said Miles.


"No problem," said melody giving Hope a quick hug.

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"I-it's strange... but nice I think" Mark said


Sarah was staring at the room wide-eyed a bit. Then she smiled

"I-I'd love too!" She exclaimed. Then she went red at being so loud. Her voice dropped to just over a whisper. "I-if you want me to that is"

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"I can imagine it will seem odd, but you get used to it soon," promised Harmony.


"Of course we do," said Stacey. "We wouldn't have shown it to you otherwise. And we'll pay you for your work of course."

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