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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"M-myself? I..." Sarah began then jumped as Skye spoke. "Wh-wh-what did y-you say sir?"

"Altered?" Mark whispered in surprise

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"Just look at how she's acting," whispered Skye. He then repeated his question.

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"Oh. Y-yes. St-Stacey and Mark went on th-that ride b-but I w-was too scared" Sarah said. She then turned to Stacey "I-I'm sorry for d-disappointing you m-my lord"

Mark stared in shock

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"I... uh.... I wasn't disappointed Sarah. And please don't call me lord," said Stacey, almost in a begging tone.

"You see," whispered Skye to Mark.

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Sarah started crying

"I-I want to stop but I can't" she said

"Th-that's terrifying" Mark said

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"I'm.. I'm sorry Sarah. Please don't cry. Try not to, but if you can't, it's okay," said Stacey. Zoe came over and hugged her again.

"Yes, you're right. But this is the most dramatic change I've seen" said Skye

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Sarah tried wiping her tears away with her overalls

"If y-you want me to stop I-I'll try my b-b-best to stop" she said

"I-I can't believe that's Sarah" Mark said

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"That's all we're asking. That you try," said Zoe. "Please don't cry."

"I know what you mean," said Skye. "There's hardly anything left of the original her."

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Sarah sniffed

"A-as you wish" she said

"Is there anything there which is her?" Mark asked

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"Thank you Sarah. Now, why don't you try your sandwich?"

"Uh... she's still the same age..." said Skye. "And... she's still in there..."

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"Do you really want me to?" Sarah asked

"I can't see it" Mark said

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"Yes. I wouldn't give it to you otherwise. I just... think it's best you do have a lunch. Even a tiny one!" said Zoe

"It will take some trigger to come to the surface," said Skye;

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"A-as you wish" Sarah said before timidly taking a riny bite out of tge sandwich

"What kind of trigger?" Mark asked

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"I don't know.... I just had to concentrate... Ziona had a locket that helped her remember. Dylan almost lost himself fully..." said Skye.

"Do you like it?" asked Zoe.

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"Is there anything Sarah had that didn't fall in the pool with her?" Mark asked

Sarah pused in her eating and just stared at the sandwich again. Tgen quietly she asked

"Is this food the houses ate?"

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"Hmmm.... Didn't my sister take her sword away?" Skye asked.

"Nope," replied Zoe. "This is the sort of food everyone eats in this Zone."

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"Sh-she did?" Mark asked surprised. "H-h-how did she do that?"

"E-everyone?" Sarah asked almost squeaking. "But... th-this food I-is so fancier than wh-what I usually eat"

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"No. If I need a Chaos Emerald I can just hold it."




"We're safe here though, so we have to push the advantage."

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"Judging by how she was dressed, pulling rank," said Skye.

"Everyone here eats more fancy food. A sandwich is actually pretty plain fare here," said Zoe.


"I guess..." said Miles, still looking through the fog.


"Yeah... I think I heard it in that music shop we visited getting the karaoke machine!" said Melody

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"Pulling rank?" Mark asked confused

Sarah blinked and looked at the sandwich again timidly

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"She was acting as a princess, remember?" said Skye.

"Do you like it?" Stacey asked.

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"I... saw someone in a strange outfit. Is that who you mean?" Mark asked

"I do but I'm not used to eating anything like this" Sarah said in almost a whisper

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"That was probibly her," said Skye. "I'll introduce you properly!"

"Well, this is the kind of food we'll be having from now on," said Stacey smiling.

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"Thanks... she's not going to take anything from me right?" Mark asked nervously

"N-now on?" Sarah asked. "I-if you w-wish m-m-me too then o-okay." She then timidly put her sandwich on the table

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"Huh, they're gone. That's not a good sign," replied Shadow as he looked around in all directions for the figure.


"That's pretty weird," laughed Hope.


Zamy and Zean slowly headed out of the apartment.

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