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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Unless you wanted to ask Ziona."


"Better that than you stagger about like one."


Zamy was helped up and switched the light on, revealing a duck.

"Thanks Zean. I thought it had got us both for a second."

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"I don't have a radio," said Miles.


"Hey, I'm not THAT bad!" laughed Melody. "I just was a little wobbly on the stairs!"

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"She should be in Haven I imagine."


"Just think of it like training wheels," laughed Hope.


"It would've got me if you hadn't come," said Zean.

"Just helping you out. You're safe here now. But I still need to finish this."

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"Let's go!" said Miles.


Melody laughed. "Okay the Sis! Let's see how long I need training wheels for!"

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"Huh? Oh. Thanks...Skye" Mark said picking up the sandwich

"Wh-what's wrong Stacey?" Sarah asked. She then looked in surprise at tge sandwich being held out to her. "Th-thanks my l... Zoe" She still looked unsure about taking it

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"I hope you like it," said Skye.

"Go on, take it. You'll like it," said Zoe.

"Uh..Nothing's wrong Sarah, don't worry." said Stacey.

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"Wait.. if we go, will that put her in harms way?"


"Ok, I think we're here."


"I can come with you Zamy."

"Are you sure? That whole case took its toll on you. I wouldn't want to-"

"I'll be fine. Trust me. This is what I need."

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"I... I dunno..." said Miles. "I... don;t know how the ghost's work."


"Wow, now this is a PARTY!" grinned Melody.

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Mark gave a nervous smile

"I hope so too" he said before taking a bite

"I-if you say so my lord... I mean Stacey" Sarah said before taking the sandwich and staring at it

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"Neither do I. Wait a second, I think I see someone in tje fog."


"Yeah. So many people around."


"Ok Zean. Just stay close." Zamy teleported them both to her apartment.

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"Uh... please don't call me lord," said Stacey, almost shuddering.

"I already told her that," said Zoe. "Go on, try it,"

"What do you think?" Skye asked Mark.


"Wait, what!" Miles' head snapped up and he looked around frantically.


"So what are we waiting for! Let's get involved!"

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"Yeah, whoever it is they're coming towards us."


"Erm, I'm not really sure what to do. I've never been to a party like this."


"They're not here, they must've left to a safer place," said Zamy as she put the symbol on her front door.

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"Got any salt?" asked Miles.

(Safer? Lol!)


"Then let's just throw ourselves into it. I think I can see a stage with a band up ahead!"

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Sarah looked embarrassed and looked down

"I-I-I'm s-sorry. I-I can't h-help it" she said

"It's... nice. Strange but nice" Mark said

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"Uh... it's okay... guess it's... the way you've been brought up?" Stacey asked uncertainly.

"I imagine a lot of our food will seem strnage to you," said Skye. "But now I'm back to normal, I wanna try my hand at cooking your type of food for everyone. I'll probibly head to the shops and get what I need for a meal tonight."

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"Do I look like I have pockets?"


"Ok then." Hope nervously followed Melody's lead.


"I'll see if I can find Miles using the tracker," said Zamy.

The phone rang and Zean picked it up, almost immediately throwing it down.

"That might have to wait."

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Sarah nodded timidly

"I-I should always r-respect those b-better than me" she said

"Really? That's nice of you" Mark said smiling

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Miles blinked. "Then where DO you keep stuff?"


Melody tried to make it through the crowd towards the stage.


"But... we're not better than you," said Stacey. "You're just as good as us!"

"He's right!" said Zoe. 'I never thought I'd be trying to boost SARAH'S confidence!' she thought to herself.

"No need to thank me, I want to do it. I like cooking," said Skye.

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Sarah took a step back a little overwhelmed

"F-forgive me my... Stacey. Forgive me S-Zoe. B-but you are. Y-you were born w-w-within the houses. I-I'm not special like y-you" she said

"But you're still making food you know I like. That's still kind" Mark said

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"There's nothing to forgive," said Zoe.

"Where someones born shouldn't matter," said Stacey. "And of course your special!"

"Hmm, I guess, but let's just say it's a way of saying sorry for that rollercoaster!" said Skye with a wink. "Hmm, I wonder..." Skye glanced at Sarah.

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Sarah looked shocked hearing Stacey call her special. She blushed again

"Th-th-thank you m-my lord. B-b-but wh-what's s-so sp-spe-special a-about m-m-me?" She asked

"What is it?" Mark asked looking at Sarah too

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"I don't normally need to carry stuff around. My glove can usually suffice or I can give it to Rouge or Omega."


Hope followed closely, not wanting to get left behind.


A loud noise emitted from the phone.

"I'm sure you can guess what that is."

Zamy nodded and tossed over a talisman.

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"There... must be something," said Stacey. "I.. uh... don't know you that well, but..."

"Just curious if she remembers going to the amusement park," said Skye.


"You can fit a couple of Chaos Emerald's in those gloves?" Miles asked.


"I like what they're playing! Hey... wait...I... think I KNOW this song...." Melody looked confused.

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"B-but what?" Sarah asked still blushing

"Why wouldn't she?" Mark asked confused

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"There must be something. Tell me about yourself," said Stacey.

"Because her memories have been altered," Skye whispered. "Sarah?" he asked aloud. "Do you remember going to the theme park with Stacey and Mark?"

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