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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"But VERY functional," said Melody.

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"Yeah. But In the hands of someone like me they'd still be useful!"

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"He's kinda shy too. So I'm not surprised" Dylan said


Mark gulped and held out his hand

Sarah didn't move

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"Yeah... you wouldn't think it in the get up he was wearing," said Miles.


"They're Rajiu. They can take a bit of pain," said Skye confidently.


"Really? You doubt my skill?" grinned Melody

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"Yeah. But its for his fighting style" Dylan said


"We can yeah... I guess" Mark said quietly

Sarah still made no move

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"Fighting style?" asked Miles, interested.


Skye leaned back and waited.


"Well, I could use it as a longblade," said Melody

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"Yes. He has excellent stamina so can wear armour without it affecting his performance as much" Dylan explained

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"Hold out your hand Sarah."


"Not really. It's still a one handed short sword," teased Hope.

"Then again, I do listen to Shadow mock Mobian swords for being oversized tooth picks. If you go by a long blade being a normal adult's leg's length, he has a good point," thought Hope.

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"I want to see what it does first!" Sarah said quickly

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"Really? Not very... ninja-y!" said Mikes.


"Curse my short stature!" laughed Melody.

'It is relative,' she thought at the same time. 'But when you're fast, length isn't as much of a problem.'

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Dylan thought about it

"I guess not. But I don't think he wanted to be a ninja anyway" he said

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"He didn't? So... why IS he a ninja?" asked Miles

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"His parents. They wanted him to be" Dylan said. "Not too surprising but not fair either"

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"Oh, I see. I... kinda understand that," said Miles

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"Yeah. Every parent wants their child to go down in history but not many do" Dylan said. He then giggled. "I was only there for a month and I already made a name for myself again!"

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"Again? Oh yeah, that two life thing!" said Miles. "Given he was with you lot, I'm surprised he didn't make an name!"

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"Yeah, that" Dylan said. "And yeah. But because of it, his parents disowned him

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"They did? Why? What did you do?"

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"We knew the truth. And so a web of lies was created and we were made to seem like traitors" Dylan said

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"But did you at least manage to... succeed in your goal?" asked Miles

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