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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, but they look like they might work," said Melody.

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"Yeah.... maybe they doubled as janitors?"

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Dylan was a little surprised at Anna's agility but with the training he had gone through, he quickly reacted and made an attempt to steal the ball off Anna


"Wrong language?" Mark asked surprised

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Anna was still underestimating Dylan's skill, but was just able to pass the ball past him to Zamy.


"Yeah.... To used to writing in Dragon kingdom speech recently," said Skye as he put the first note to the side, and started writing another in english.

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Zamy kicked the ball as hard as she could into the wall, the angle it bounced at setting it on course for the goal.


Hope giggled. "Somehow I doubt that. Ok, it says here it was a more ceremonial of distinguishing rank."

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Miles started running towards the goal, but knowing he wouldn't get there in time, spun his tails to try and give he speed a boost. He spun out of control and landed in a heap.


"Oh good, give the archers something to aim for," said Melody

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Zamy saw the ball go in before running over to Miles.

"Are you OK?"


"They weren't usually worn in battle. And their shield wall was pretty good at blocking arrows."

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"UNCLE MILES!" Dylan shouted running over to Miles, not seeming to care that the other team was going to score


"Um... I guess I'll need to learn to write in that speech too, right?" Mark asked

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"I'm fine, yeah," said Miles giggling, trying to stand up but fall over. "Just a little dizzy. Did you stop the ball Dylan?"


"Hmm, more efficient than I expected," said Melody


"Yeah, but you already speak it, so it won't be too hard," said Skye.

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"That's a relief."


"Yeah. This 'testudo' meant they were protected from archers and such from all sides."

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"Dominic!" Dylan corrected. "And nuh uh! You looked hurt!"


"I hope so Mark said

Just then, Sarah came in

"This isn't the way out" she said to herself not noticing anyone else around

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"Sorry Dominic, guess that's another favour," said Miles, managing to stand. "Sorry I worried the two of you. And don't worry about the ball. We'll get the lead again!"


"Not much use against catapults though," said Melody.


Skye laughed. "No, this is the kitchen Sarah. If you're really desperate to find the way out Sarah, Mark and I are gonna ahead to the amusement park, and can show you the exit on the way."

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Zamy returned to the centre then something dawned on her.

"I didn't install the chips for the others."


"Well no, but they wouldn't use it against siege weapons."

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"The chi....oh.... We better find them," said Miles.


"I guess... I dunno much about sieges," said Melody

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"I know we will" Dylan said grinning. Then he turned to Zamy. "Chips? What do you... oh those"


Sarah jumped as she heard Skye

"What? Oh... I can find my own way out!" She snapped

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"Shall I go looking for the two new kids?" asked Anna


"I'm sure you can Sarah, but it would be quicker," grinned Skye.

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"Don't start without me, I'll be back in a couple of minutes."


"Neither do I. But a tight formation is suicide against large missiles like that."

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"Do you want help?" asked Miles and Anna.


"Yeah, agreed. No wonder it died out."

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"We won't!" Dylan promised


"Oh fine" Sarah said almost reluctantly

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"I'd appreciate it the help. They can't be far."


"And it wasn't immune to cavalry either. Or elephants...."

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"Let's go then," said Anna, heading out.

"Any idea when your friends would be?" Miles asked Dylan.


"Or do you want me to arrange a tour guide," laughed Skye as he stood up, leaving the note on the table.


"Elephants... Wow, that would make a mess of them!"

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"I'll try the lab first," said Zamy as she headed off.


"Hehe yeah. Maybe I should build a robotic one, or 10."

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"Good idea," said Miles. "Anna, go and have a run around, see if you can find them."

"Okay Miles," said Anna sprinting off.


Melody gave a laugh, then though "Wouldn't they be horribly vulnerable... And isn't a remote controlled tank the same thing?"

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