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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan giggled

"Yeah! We will!" He said


"Oh... im sorry" Mark said looking away

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"Right, he we go!" grinned Miles, trhowing the ball into the air.


"Please teach me the ways of the supervillain Hope!" laughed Melody


"It's okay Mark. This world.... it's in the middle of a dire war."

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Dylan ran towards it aiming to give it a kick


"A war? Not here too!" Mark said sadly

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Zamy prepared to intercept the ball once it came her way.


"When we get back I will," smiled Hope.

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Miles tried to make a break so Dylan could pass to him, while Anna just stood grinning.


"Thank's Hope," said Melody, giving her friend a quick hug.


"I'm sorry Mark. At least the war is quiet for now," said Skye

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Dylan got the ball and kicked it right over to Miles

"You can do it dad!" He shouted


"Quiet isn't the same as over" Mark pointed out

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Zamy kept her eye on the ball as it went to Miles.


"My pleasure. What to do first? We have a whole city to explore."

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"I've got it Son," called Miles as he headed towards it.


"I know," said Skye. "I know."


"You said it was a shame some old buildings didn't exist anymore. Why don't we go and find some?" suggested Melody

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Dylan then began running forwards


Mark looked upset

"Why must everything end in war" he said

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Zamy headed forward to get the ball before Miles reached it.


"That's a great idea Melody."

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"Hey!" laughed Miles and Zamy got the ball. "Get it back Son!"


"Now all we need is a guide book," said Melody.


"I wish I knew.... And that it wasn't necessary," said Skye, also sadly.

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Dylan grinned and ran after Zamy


Mark sighed and looked down

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Zamy passed the ball over to Anna.


"I think I see a tourist kiosk over there."

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Anna took the ball and started dribbling.

"Get the ball Dylan, I'll block Zamy," said Miles.


"Great. Then let's start!" said Melody walking over.


"C'mon Mark, cheer up. It's not as bad as you think. I know for a fact this war will be won by the good guys!"

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"That would be cheating!" laughed Miles


"So, where are we, and what do we see?" asked Melody

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"You never set any rules," laughed Zamy.


"A place called London, it's a capital city apparently. There's a museum not too far from here, says it's free entry."

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"Okay dad!" Dylan said running over to try to get the ball


"But who are the good guys in this war?" Mark asked quietly

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"Exactly!" said Anna moving fast round Dylan, but not at superspeed so he had a chance of stopping her.


"Better and better. Lon-don.... strange name," said Melody. "You've got the map, lead the way!"


"The ones who aren't trying to turn the rest of the world into robots or cyborgs like Glen," said Skye.

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"I've heard weirder city names. Central City is the epitome of laziness," said Hope as she wandered down the street, checking the map to make sure they were going the right way.


Zamy moved up to help Anna.

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Dylan quickly aimed to tackle the ball from Anna


"Only to those who don't want that" Mark said sadly. "We're all the good guys qnd the bad guys from different views

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Miles moved to try and keep Zamy blocked.

Anna tried to dribble past Dylan, but wasn't aware of his new training.


"Yeah, but at least it makes it easy," laughed Melody.


"Trust me Mark, there maybe be some bad guys on our side, but the bad guy is REALLY bad in this case. And he'd ADMIT to it."

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Zamy tried dive rolling past Miles.


"True. Same for Westopolis, here isn't even an Eastopolis. Ok we're here. Which ancient civilisation shall we look at first?"

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Miles wasn't expecting the dive and was left behind.


"Wow...." Melody stood a little in awed. "Uh... that way," she said, randomly pointing to the Egyptian wing.

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