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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan jumped and headed the ball back


"That sounds like a good idea" smiled Mark

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"Nice one," said Miles., whacking the ball back with one of his tails.


"Just, if it ever becomes too much, just say and we'll come straight back here," said Skye.

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Dylan giggled and tried using his tail to hit the ball but that failed and he had to chase after it


"I... I will" Mark said gulping

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"I'm not sure your tail is quiet right for ball sports," said Miles.


"Are you planning to take him to the amusement park again?" asked Ziona.

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"Yeah. Yiurs are better" Dylan said giggling


"Amusement park? Skye mentioned that" Mark said

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"Thank's Dominic. I'm just so glad I've got them back!" said Miles.


"You're gonna like it," promised Skye.

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"Sometimes it is," said Melody. "No let's get somewhere out of sight to head home."


Anna laughed. "You make it sound like I'm the centre of gossip!"

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"Agreed." Hope headed back the way they came.


"Well I've read your file," joked Zamy.

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Melody walked back is well. "And once we get back I'll have a proper chance to change clothes.


"I amazed that I have a film before all this craziness started!" said Anna.

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"Yeah. Ok this spot should do, here goes."


"Well we tried to keep tabs on Moebians given they liked to attack other Zones more than the usual. We got nothing about your idol other than his early years though."

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"Great. Heh, this was fun," said Melody.


Anna blushed. "How did you know I was gonna ask about that?"

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"I know you really missed them!" Dylan said grinning


"You said it was a great place. I do hope I like it" Mark said looking nervous

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"I did, yeah," said Miles. "But it.... still doesn't feel like I'm back to my 'old self'.... though I guess that's a good thing."


"You might find it a little scary Mark," admitted Skye. "But once you get used to it you'll have fun."

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"Agreed." Hope activated the machine, though blinked when they arrived.

"This isn't my lab. It's an alley."


"Call it a lucky guess," joked Zamy.

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"Yeah! Don't go back to your okd self!" Dylan said a little panicked as he hugged Miles. "You're much nicer like this!"


Mark gulped

"Wvat sort of place is it again?" He asked

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"It's okay. Maybe because we teleported from a different location the co-ordinates got slightly messed up," said Melody.


Anna giggled. "What about the one on Miles? His must be pretty big!"


"I know Dominic," said Miles hugging back. "And now I've got my tails back, I've no regrets about changing."


"A place for people all around to gather and have fun," said Ziona.

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Hope looked into the street.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen those models of car before."


"Yeah his is a bit hefty. Nowhere near as big as Scourge's, bigger than Alicia's though."

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Melody sighed. "I thought it was going too well."


"So the second most infamous citizen of Moebius then," laughed Anna.

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Dylan grinned

"Thanks Un...dad" he said


"Sounds nice I guess. When are we going?" Mark asked

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Hope picked up a newspaper to see the headline.

"Farewell to the 20th century? December 21st 1999 is the date apparently."


"Nearly. Skye's file is tiny but it sure didn't endear him to anyone, not least whoever wrote it."

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Using a bit of luck and the unexpected help of Red, Glen was able to find ziona. THe sooner then proceeded to take the fox-now-bat in his arm to hold her dearly.


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"No problem Son," said Miles, as he went to get the ball that rolled out the door. "Hey, I think I can hear Anna and Zamy next door. What to ask them if they wanna kick about to?"


"I think we misshot by quite a bit," said Melody. "Oh well, now we're here, wanna look around?"


"I can imagine. His actions were crazily extreme," said Anna.


"We could go right after bre..." began Skye. "Oh, hi Glen," he said.

Ziona squealed happily and hugged Gleny tightly back. "I've missed you Glenny!"

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"Sure. Might as well make the most of it, though we may want to change the illusions."


"Tell me about it, it's a miracle he didn't succeed."

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"Hmm, I think the actual clothes, not the illusion ones, that we're wearing will fit in," said Melody, looking at the pictures in the paper.


"Yeah... It was a close thing from what I've heard," said Anna as she reached the top. "And yet, he's still getting a second chance."

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