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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan giggled and hi fived him

"I dunno!" He said


"Nothing. Its just... this is a lot" he said

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"More magic practice, or... just play a game?" asked Miles smiling.


"Even still..." Melody laughed.


Ziona hugged Mark. "I understand Mark. It was the same for us when we came to your world."

"Almost done," said Skye.


"Yeah, he really does. But it would be really amusing if he met his Prime counterpart!"

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"I get your point, I think I see a town."


"I think they've already met, years ago."

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"Let's play a game!" Dylan said eagerly


Mark stiffened as he was hugged

"I-I-I..." he stammered

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"Great, that wasn't so far after now," said Melody.


"I know, I meant now that Miles is... well... nice," said Anna.


"Great!" smiled Miles. "What kind of game?"


"Yes Mark?" asked Ziona.

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"I dunno! What games can we do while we wait?" Dylan asked


"I... you're... hugging... me" Mark managed to say

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"We could go to the games room, or... hmm... you do seem to have a pile of board games already here. Or we could just take that ball to one of the gyms and have a kick about.," suggested Miles.


"Cool. And maybe an outfit for me too!" said Melody.


"Oh, sorry," said Ziona as she let go. "It's just... well.. people are more... I mean, less uptight here. I guess being back here has made me slip back into old habits."


"Yeah, that's true. He might take it badly."

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"I'm sure we will."


"Yeah. I still remember when he called me his mum after a nightmare."

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"And hats for both of us!" added Melody grinning.


"He did?" asked Anna a bit shocked.

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"Let's take the ball!" Dylan said grinning


"I... uh... understand" Mark said still not relaxed

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"Yeah. I didn't think much of it as I figured I was a foster mother in his eyes. I actually found it nice, felt like he really trusted me."

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"Great. Wow, this is an interesting place," said Melody looking around the town.


"Okay," said Miles grabbing it. "Let's go!"


Anna thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I think he really does. You were one of the first people he met that didn't have any ulterior motive or was trying to kill him!"


"Sorry I made you uncomfortable," said Ziona.

"Finished," said Skye. "See what you make of it Mark."

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"Yeah, it does have a certain feel to it."


"Yeah. Funny, if he didn't persuade me to let him have a last walk it never would've happened "

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Dylan giggled and ran for the door


"This is bacon?" Mark asked looking at the plate

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"I can't help but feel we aren't exactly welcome here," said Melody looking around.


"Yes... everything here seems to have happened from small events. And it wasn't like he was trying to manipulate you when he asked for it. Maybe the first time in years," said Anna.


Smiling, Miles jogged after.


"That is," said Skye pointing. "There's also beans, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, and toast on the side." He sat down with his own plate and pushed one towards Ziona. "And this is a knife and fork," he added, handing a set to Mark.

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"Come on Uncle Miles! I mean dad!" Dylan called


"I knew what some parts were. And uh... whats tbe knife and fork for? And where are the chopsticks?" Mark asked

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"Coming Son, coming!" smiled Miles as he followed.


"The knife and fork ARE the chopsticks Mark," said Ziona.

"Watch," said Skye, cutting up the sausage and putting a section in his mouth.

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"I know what you mean. But as long as they're willing to trade it'll be ok."


"Yeah, it was a new beginning for him."

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"Yeah. I can't see them having any problem with that," said Melody. "Money does tend to loosen people up!


"Yes, it really was. I.. I know you keep saying it was 'just your job', but you didn't HAVE to let him take that walk, so, thank you so much Zamy."

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"Wait... where is the gym? I've never been there before?" Dylan asked


Mark watched Skye eat it then looked down at the knife and fork again

"Strange" he said giving it a go himself

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"Just follow me then," said Miles. "I haven't either, but I've seen it on the maps."


"Agreed. See the store yet?" asked Melody.


"Yes, it is," Skye agreed, tucking into his breakfast while Ziona did the same.


Anna smiled back. "I only hope caring after him hasn't been too much of a strain with everything else."

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"Is it far?" Dylan asked curiously


Mark taated his food

"This is very nice" he said quietly

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"Nope. Just downstairs," said Miles.


"I hope you're not just saying that," said Skye

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